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Announcing Cura 2.7


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Posted (edited) · Announcing Cura 2.7


Announcing Cura 2.7

We are proud to announce the latest stable release Cura 2.7. Our software team worked really hard to improve the user interface, cramp it up with new features and fix some bugs.

The feedback we received following Cura 2.7 Beta was really helpful and we could not have made the stable version without you.


So, what is new in Cura 2.7?

Ironing has been implemented. Ironing, aka NeoSanding from our super-user @Neotko pushes a heated nozzle over the top layer with a significantly reduced extrusion rate to fill in any gaps and make the top surface incredibly soft. You can find it in the experimental section.

Print thin walls. You can now print walls up to half of your nozzle size. I wonder if this would mean @Labern will get some competition with his minuscule power drill. [link]

Prime tower purge volume. By fine-tuning the amount of filament you prime when wiping the prime tower, you reduce the chance of your prime tower failing during your print by preventing under extrusion. Interested to give this a chance? You can find the setting under ‘prime tower purge volume’ under ‘dual extrusion’.

SolidWorks plugin. This plugin enables SolidWorks format files to be directly imported straight into Cura. They are automatically converted into an .STL and you can use Cura to prepare your file for 3D printing.

Extruder per feature. Assign print features like walls, infill, skin etc to a specific extruder.

Some examples:


This model was printed in an experimental combination; black ABS with an outer skin of blue TPU 95a. This can be used for practical purposes, such as increased grip on a handle.


A print core with a 0.8 mm nozzle has been assigned to print infill and inner walls here, while a 0.4 mm nozzle has been assigned to print all other features with more detail. This combination ensures significantly reduced print times.


Assigning an extruder using a different color allows for aesthetic effects with minimal material switches. This item is printed in red PLA, with a top surface in black PLA.

You can find a full list of release notes via this link.

More information about Cura 2.7 is in our blog.

Besides going in-depth with the new theme it also explains some pretty nifty improvements we made to PVA supports which can lead up to 30% time saving on the gyro model, and 40% PVA savings.

Ready? Download Cura 2.7 here.

And as always, we would love to hear from you. Give us your thoughts and experiences and we'll give you more Cura!




Edited by Guest
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Posted · Announcing Cura 2.7

Ok well this qualifies as really odd.

Installed 2.7 (did not install beta on this laptop)

Setup a print and "Print with Octoprint", which has always worked good.

Once bed was to temp, it immediately raised bed and tried to commence printing. Didn't try to purge material (which it couldn't, the nozzle was at 49C)

Thought it was a fluke but tried it again....did the same thing again.

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    Posted · Announcing Cura 2.7

    Thanks for making it available, but on my MacBook with MacOS Sierra 10.12.6 it always crashes during startup. This behavior was already with the beta version and it persists after reboot. Right now I am working with Cura 2.6.x, but would like to change to 2.7

    Thanks again, -pl

    2017-08-30 23:46:45,580 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin ConsoleLogger
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,588 - INFO - CuraEngineBackend.CuraEngineBackend.__init__ [64]: Found CuraEngine at: /Applications/Cura 2.app/Contents/MacOS/CuraEngine
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,590 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin CuraEngineBackend
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,593 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin CuraProfileReader
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,597 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin CuraProfileWriter
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,600 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin OBJReader
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,604 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin OBJWriter
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,611 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin STLReader
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,614 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin STLWriter
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,618 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin FileLogger
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,622 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin GCodeProfileReader
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,627 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin GCodeReader
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,631 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin GCodeWriter
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,635 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin ImageReader
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,642 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin LayerView
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,646 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin LegacyProfileReader
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,652 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin LocalFileOutputDevice
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,657 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin MachineSettingsAction
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,693 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin OctoPrintPlugin
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,699 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin PerObjectSettingsTool
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,704 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin PluginBrowser
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,710 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin PostProcessingPlugin
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,727 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin RemovableDriveOutputDevice
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,763 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin SliceInfoPlugin
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,769 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin SolidView
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,774 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin CameraTool
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,781 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin MirrorTool
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,788 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin RotateTool
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,795 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin ScaleTool
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,802 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin SelectionTool
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,810 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin TranslateTool
    2017-08-30 23:46:45,818 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin UltimakerMachineActions
    Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault
    Thread 0x0000700005411000 (most recent call first):
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/site-packages/zeroconf.py", line 1853 in send
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/site-packages/zeroconf.py", line 1164 in run
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 914 in _bootstrap_inner
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 882 in _bootstrap
    Thread 0x0000700004f0e000 (most recent call first):
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 297 in wait
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/site-packages/zeroconf.py", line 1569 in wait
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/site-packages/zeroconf.py", line 1017 in run
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 914 in _bootstrap_inner
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 882 in _bootstrap
    Thread 0x0000700004a0b000 (most recent call first):
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/site-packages/zeroconf.py", line 984 in handle_read
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/site-packages/zeroconf.py", line 951 in run
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 914 in _bootstrap_inner
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 882 in _bootstrap
    Thread 0x0000700004508000 (most recent call first):
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/subprocess.py", line 1059 in communicate
     File "/Applications/Cura 2.app/Contents/MacOS/plugins/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/OSXRemovableDrivePlugin.py", line 19 in checkRemovableDrives
     File "/Applications/Cura 2.app/Contents/MacOS/plugins/plugins/RemovableDriveOutputDevice/RemovableDrivePlugin.py", line 56 in _updateThread
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 862 in run
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 914 in _bootstrap_inner
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 882 in _bootstrap
    Thread 0x0000700004005000 (most recent call first):
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 297 in wait
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/site-packages/zeroconf.py", line 1569 in wait
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/site-packages/zeroconf.py", line 1153 in run
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 914 in _bootstrap_inner
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 882 in _bootstrap
    Thread 0x0000700003b02000 (most recent call first):
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 297 in wait
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/site-packages/zeroconf.py", line 1569 in wait
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/site-packages/zeroconf.py", line 1017 in run
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 914 in _bootstrap_inner
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 882 in _bootstrap
    Thread 0x00007000035ff000 (most recent call first):
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/site-packages/zeroconf.py", line 984 in handle_read
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/site-packages/zeroconf.py", line 951 in run
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 914 in _bootstrap_inner
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 882 in _bootstrap
    Thread 0x0000700003079000 (most recent call first):
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 297 in wait
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/site-packages/zeroconf.py", line 1569 in wait
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/site-packages/zeroconf.py", line 1017 in run
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 914 in _bootstrap_inner
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 882 in _bootstrap
    Thread 0x0000700002b76000 (most recent call first):
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/site-packages/zeroconf.py", line 946 in run
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 914 in _bootstrap_inner
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 882 in _bootstrap
    Current thread 0x00007fffe458e3c0 (most recent call first):
     File "/Applications/Cura 2.app/Contents/MacOS/plugins/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/NetworkPrinterOutputDevicePlugin.py", line 110 in checkManualPrinter
     File "/Applications/Cura 2.app/Contents/MacOS/plugins/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/NetworkPrinterOutputDevicePlugin.py", line 93 in addManualPrinter
     File "/Applications/Cura 2.app/Contents/MacOS/plugins/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/NetworkPrinterOutputDevicePlugin.py", line 74 in startDiscovery
     File "/Applications/Cura 2.app/Contents/MacOS/plugins/plugins/UM3NetworkPrinting/NetworkPrinterOutputDevicePlugin.py", line 56 in start
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/2.7/build/inst/lib/python3.5/site-packages/UM/OutputDevice/OutputDeviceManager.py", line 183 in addOutputDevicePlugin
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/2.7/build/inst/lib/python3.5/site-packages/UM/PluginRegistry.py", line 243 in _addPluginObject
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/2.7/build/inst/lib/python3.5/site-packages/UM/PluginRegistry.py", line 227 in loadPlugin
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/2.7/build/inst/lib/python3.5/site-packages/UM/PluginRegistry.py", line 257 in loadPlugins
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/2.7/build/inst/lib/python3.5/site-packages/cura/CuraApplication.py", line 512 in _loadPlugins
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/2.7/build/inst/lib/python3.5/site-packages/UM/Qt/QtApplication.py", line 110 in __init__
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/2.7/build/inst/lib/python3.5/site-packages/cura/CuraApplication.py", line 205 in __init__
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/2.7/build/inst/lib/python3.5/site-packages/UM/Application.py", line 316 in getInstance
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/2.7/build/inst/bin/cura_app.py", line 72 in 
     File "", line 634 in _load_backward_compatible
     File "", line 664 in _load_unlocked
     File "", line 958 in _find_and_load_unlocked
     File "", line 969 in _find_and_load
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/site-packages/cx_Freeze/initscripts/Console.py", line 21 in 
     File "", line 634 in _load_backward_compatible
     File "", line 664 in _load_unlocked
     File "", line 958 in _find_and_load_unlocked
     File "", line 969 in _find_and_load
     File "/Users/ultimaker/build/env/2.7/inst/lib/python3.5/site-packages/cx_Freeze/initscripts/__startup__.py", line 12 in 
     File "", line 634 in _load_backward_compatible
     File "", line 664 in _load_unlocked
     File "", line 958 in _find_and_load_unlocked
     File "", line 969 in _find_and_load

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    Posted · Announcing Cura 2.7

    Just to whome it may concern :-)

    The SolidWorks Plugin is also working with SW2013 parts & assamblies...

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    Posted · Announcing Cura 2.7


    I downloaded the 2.7 CURA version for windows, installed it, but it won´t launch..it starts going, but crashes..

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    Posted · Announcing Cura 2.7

    Today I was able to start Cura 2.7 once and send a job to my UM3. When the print was finished, Cura had crashed.

    When I try to start it again, it always crashes now.

    When I open the Cura package and start MacOS/cura, I get the following message in the terminal window:


    Last login: Fri Sep  1 00:01:19 on ttys006
    PL-MBPro:~ peterlelie$ /Applications/Cura\ 2.app/Contents/MacOS/cura ; exit;
    qt.network.ssl: Error receiving trust for a CA certificate
    Segmentation fault: 11
    Saving session...
    ...copying shared history...
    ...saving history...truncating history files...
    Deleting expired sessions...none found.

    [Prozess beendet]

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    Posted · Announcing Cura 2.7

    Today I was able to start Cura 2.7 once and send a job to my UM3. When the print was finished, Cura had crashed.

    When I try to start it again, it always crashes now.

    When I open the Cura package and start MacOS/cura, I get the following message in the terminal window:


    Last login: Fri Sep  1 00:01:19 on ttys006
    PL-MBPro:~ peterlelie$ /Applications/Cura\ 2.app/Contents/MacOS/cura ; exit;
    qt.network.ssl: Error receiving trust for a CA certificate
    Segmentation fault: 11
    Saving session...
    ...copying shared history...
    ...saving history...truncating history files...
    Deleting expired sessions...none found.

    [Prozess beendet]

    Could you also share your cura.log file?

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    Posted · Announcing Cura 2.7

    Today I was able to start Cura 2.7 once and send a job to my UM3. When the print was finished, Cura had crashed.

    When I try to start it again, it always crashes now.

    When I open the Cura package and start MacOS/cura, I get the following message in the terminal window:


    Last login: Fri Sep  1 00:01:19 on ttys006
    PL-MBPro:~ peterlelie$ /Applications/Cura\ 2.app/Contents/MacOS/cura ; exit;
    qt.network.ssl: Error receiving trust for a CA certificate
    Segmentation fault: 11
    Saving session...
    ...copying shared history...
    ...saving history...truncating history files...
    Deleting expired sessions...none found.

    [Prozess beendet]

    Could you also share your cura.log file?

    The only one that I have is one from the night before, please see:


    Right now Cura can be started without a problem, so the problem ist sometimes there and sometimes not. Strange.

    Seems the problem has nothing to do with the CA trust, because right now it works despite the CA error msg on the console:

    Last login: Fri Sep  1 11:56:36 on ttys008
    PL-MBPro-1257:~ peterlelie$ /Applications/Cura\ 2.app/Contents/MacOS/cura ; exit;
    qt.network.ssl: Error receiving trust for a CA certificate
    QObject::connect: Parentheses expected, signal MainWindow::
    QObject::connect: Parentheses expected, signal MainWindow::
    QObject::connect: Parentheses expected, signal MainWindow::
    QObject::connect: Parentheses expected, signal MainWindow::
    qml: TableViewSelection: index out of range
    qml: TableViewSelection: index out of range

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    Posted · Announcing Cura 2.7

    Could it have something to do with the Cura printer access?

    I was able to start Cura 2.7 from another fresh account on my MacOS based MacBook and prepare a print without any problem, not yet connected a printer.

    As soon as I then tried to connect Cura to my UM3 (via ethernet, local network with 192.168.10.x) address, Cura crashed immediately. Was able to reproduce this several times.

    I have a cura stderr.log from this event, can send it to whom it concerns... (too long to post here)

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    Posted · Announcing Cura 2.7

    I'm sticking with 2.6.2 With 2.7 I had more starup fails than previously, and unable to print via USB. (Yes, i also tried uninstalling 2.6.2 and reinstalling 2.7 clean) Let me know if you would like system specs or other information.

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    Posted · Announcing Cura 2.7

    Further testing leads to the conclusion that the (original Apple A1433 EMC2590) Thunderbold Gigabit Ethernet Adapter is crashing Cura 2.7 on my MacBook pro with MacOS 10.12.6 (no problems with Cura 2.6): when I connect to the network via my Thunderbold Gigabit Ethernet adapter, Cura crashes after several (about 6) seconds, producing a formidable stack dump.

    This behavior ist reproducible on intent.

    Using the network via WiFi or via an USB-Ethernet Adapter is working w/o any problem.

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    Posted · Announcing Cura 2.7

    I just did a fresh install of Cura 2.7 on my new Macbook with macOS Sierra (10.12.6). It seems like Cura is automatically creating an 'AppData' folder in my home folder. The folder contains a 'Local/cura' folder with the log files 'stderr.log' and 'stdout.log'. This folder and files are always recreated when Cura is loaded.

    Is this intended or just a hard-coded Windows path?

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    Posted · Announcing Cura 2.7

    Is this intended or just a hard-coded Windows path?

    That's a bug you found there...

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    Posted · Announcing Cura 2.7

    Is this intended or just a hard-coded Windows path?

    That's a bug you found there...

    Ok, then I will open an issue on GitHub...

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