Cool, that helped a little bit. Also shaved off 8 min print time. lol
Bit still scrolling through the layers you can still see a lot of movements.
I just tried removing the fillets, its pretty much the same luck.
I've tried clicking on the "avoid printed parts", but it still wont make a B-line to the next printing point, it would rather make 300 mm movements around the perimeter.
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tinkergnome 929
One reason is that the wall thickness is not even (the wall is wider in the corners because of the choosen radiuses). Another reason is that Cura tries to fill the remaining gaps as a separate step (instead of "en passant").
You can set "Shell" -> "Fill Gaps Between Walls" to "Nowhere". This will left small gaps between the lines in the corners, but that's probably not an issue in this case.
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