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Posted · Cura 2.7.0 closes when clicking on "materials" under Linux


I added some "custom materials" to Cura (colorFabb Corkfill, HT, ngen_FLEX) in the Linux AppImage version 2.7.0. This worked. Now when I start Cura and want to change the material - no matter if via the main page or the menu on top Cura closes immediatley (crashes?).

I already downloaded again the latest version, but since Cura obviously keeps the settings etc from one installation to the other it is still the same effect. I created an export file from the windows version, but since Cura immediately closes now when clicking on "materials" I can not import this either.

So why is Cura crashing/closing when clicking on "materials" under Linux version? No problem with Win version on the same PC.

How can I cleanly set up Cura anew? - well its kind a of an image under Linux but obviously somewhere some variables are stored which are not "reset" when using a new clean AppImage. How can I remove them?

Kind regards


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    Posted (edited) · Cura 2.7.0 closes when clicking on "materials" under Linux

    Sorry, forget the second part - how to reset Cura -  I have overlooked it in the FAQ.

    But it still crashes. Now I even can not configure Cura after deleting the configuration folders....

    Switching back to Cura 6.2.1 - no problem, everything works fine under Linux

    Edited by Guest
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    Posted · Cura 2.7.0 closes when clicking on "materials" under Linux

    Would be glad to do so - the Cura.log one I suppose. Have created one with only the following action:

    Start cura 2.7.0

    Selected Ultimaker 2+

    Add printer

    Opened "settings" - "configure cura" - "materials"

    - crash....

    Please find below


    2017-09-21 13:58:31,910 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin FileLogger

    2017-09-21 13:58:31,914 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin GCodeProfileReader

    2017-09-21 13:58:31,921 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin GCodeReader

    2017-09-21 13:58:31,925 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin GCodeWriter

    2017-09-21 13:58:31,931 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin ImageReader

    2017-09-21 13:58:31,960 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin LayerView

    2017-09-21 13:58:31,964 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin LegacyProfileReader

    2017-09-21 13:58:31,970 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin LocalFileOutputDevice

    2017-09-21 13:58:31,976 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin MachineSettingsAction

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,052 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin OctoPrintPlugin

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,059 - WARNING - UM.Preferences.getValue [81]: Tried to get the value of non-existing setting cura/active_mode.

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,060 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin PerObjectSettingsTool

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,065 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin PluginBrowser

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,094 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin PostProcessingPlugin

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,102 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin RemovableDriveOutputDevice

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,157 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin SliceInfoPlugin

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,161 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin SolidView

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,165 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin CameraTool

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,170 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin MirrorTool

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,177 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin RotateTool

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,184 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin ScaleTool

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,188 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin SelectionTool

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,193 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin TranslateTool

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,202 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin UltimakerMachineActions

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,220 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin UM3NetworkPrinting

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,226 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin UpdateChecker

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,226 - INFO - UpdateChecker.UpdateCheckerJob.run [44]: Checking for new version of cura

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,260 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin USBPrinting

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,272 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade21to22

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,277 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade22to24

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,282 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade25to26

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,288 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin VersionUpgrade26to27

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,291 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin SimpleView

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,301 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin X3DReader

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,310 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin XmlMaterialProfile

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,336 - INFO - UM.PluginRegistry.loadPlugin [231]: Loaded plugin XRayView

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,337 - INFO - UM.Qt.QtApplication.__init__ [112]: Command line arguments: {'single_instance': False, 'disable-textures': False, 'external-backend': False, 'file': [], 'qmljsdebugger': None}

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,352 - INFO - UM.VersionUpgradeManager.upgrade [112]: Looking for old configuration files to upgrade.

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,366 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [174]: Socket state changed to Listening

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,375 - INFO - UM.Backend.Backend.startEngine [75]: Started engine process: /tmp/.mount_PXesMb/usr/bin/CuraEngine

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,377 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [93]: [backend] Calling engine with: ['/tmp/.mount_PXesMb/usr/bin/CuraEngine', 'connect', '', '-j', '/tmp/.mount_PXesMb/usr/bin/resources/definitions/fdmprinter.def.json', '']

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,417 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [93]: [backend]

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,421 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [93]: [backend] Cura_SteamEngine version DEV

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,422 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [93]: [backend] Copyright © 2014 David Braam

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,423 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [93]: [backend]

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,424 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [93]: [backend] This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,425 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [93]: [backend] it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,425 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [93]: [backend] the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,426 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [93]: [backend] (at your option) any later version.

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,427 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [93]: [backend]

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,428 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [93]: [backend] This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,429 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [93]: [backend] but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,430 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [93]: [backend] MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,431 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [93]: [backend] GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,432 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [93]: [backend]

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,436 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [93]: [backend] You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License

    2017-09-21 13:58:32,438 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._backendLog [93]: [backend] along with this program. If not, see .

    2017-09-21 13:58:50,114 - WARNING - UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer._preprocessParsedJson [266]: Unable to override setting machine_nozzle_head_distance

    2017-09-21 13:58:50,116 - WARNING - UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer._preprocessParsedJson [266]: Unable to override setting machine_nozzle_head_distance

    2017-09-21 13:58:50,119 - WARNING - UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer._preprocessParsedJson [266]: Unable to override setting machine_nozzle_head_distance

    2017-09-21 13:58:50,128 - WARNING - UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer._preprocessParsedJson [266]: Unable to override setting machine_nozzle_head_distance

    2017-09-21 13:58:50,130 - WARNING - UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer._preprocessParsedJson [266]: Unable to override setting machine_nozzle_head_distance

    2017-09-21 13:58:50,131 - WARNING - UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer._preprocessParsedJson [266]: Unable to override setting machine_nozzle_head_distance

    2017-09-21 13:58:50,180 - WARNING - UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer._preprocessParsedJson [266]: Unable to override setting machine_nozzle_head_distance

    2017-09-21 13:58:50,182 - WARNING - UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer._preprocessParsedJson [266]: Unable to override setting machine_nozzle_head_distance

    2017-09-21 13:58:50,184 - WARNING - UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer._preprocessParsedJson [266]: Unable to override setting machine_nozzle_head_distance

    2017-09-21 13:58:50,193 - WARNING - UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer._preprocessParsedJson [266]: Unable to override setting machine_nozzle_head_distance

    2017-09-21 13:58:50,194 - WARNING - UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer._preprocessParsedJson [266]: Unable to override setting machine_nozzle_head_distance

    2017-09-21 13:58:50,196 - WARNING - UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer._preprocessParsedJson [266]: Unable to override setting machine_nozzle_head_distance

    2017-09-21 13:58:56,779 - DEBUG - UM.Settings.ContainerRegistry.load [214]: Loading data into container registry took 24.278841733932495 seconds

    2017-09-21 13:58:56,782 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._logSocketState [178]: Socket state changed to Connected

    2017-09-21 13:58:56,783 - DEBUG - UM.Backend.Backend._onSocketStateChanged [168]: Backend connected on port 49674

    2017-09-21 13:58:56,784 - DEBUG - UM.Controller.setActiveView [84]: Setting active view to SolidView

    2017-09-21 13:58:57,626 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [39]: An uncaught exception has occurred!

    2017-09-21 13:58:57,627 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: Traceback (most recent call last):

    2017-09-21 13:58:57,628 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: File "/build/2.7/build/inst/lib/python3/dist-packages/UM/Settings/Models/InstanceContainersModel.py", line 46, in __init__

    2017-09-21 13:58:57,629 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: File "/build/2.7/build/inst/lib/python3/dist-packages/UM/Settings/Models/InstanceContainersModel.py", line 61, in _update

    2017-09-21 13:58:57,630 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: TypeError: unorderable types: NoneType() < str()

    2017-09-21 13:58:57,635 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [39]: An uncaught exception has occurred!

    2017-09-21 13:58:57,636 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: Traceback (most recent call last):

    2017-09-21 13:58:57,637 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: File "/build/2.7/build/inst/lib/python3/dist-packages/UM/Settings/Models/InstanceContainersModel.py", line 46, in __init__

    2017-09-21 13:58:57,638 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: File "/build/2.7/build/inst/lib/python3/dist-packages/UM/Settings/Models/InstanceContainersModel.py", line 61, in _update

    2017-09-21 13:58:57,639 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: TypeError: unorderable types: NoneType() < str()

    2017-09-21 13:58:57,655 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [39]: An uncaught exception has occurred!

    2017-09-21 13:58:57,656 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: Traceback (most recent call last):

    2017-09-21 13:58:57,657 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: File "/build/2.7/build/inst/lib/python3/dist-packages/UM/Settings/Models/InstanceContainersModel.py", line 46, in __init__

    2017-09-21 13:58:57,658 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: File "/build/2.7/build/inst/lib/python3/dist-packages/UM/Settings/Models/InstanceContainersModel.py", line 61, in _update

    2017-09-21 13:58:57,658 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: TypeError: unorderable types: NoneType() < str()

    2017-09-21 13:58:57,663 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [39]: An uncaught exception has occurred!

    2017-09-21 13:58:57,664 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: Traceback (most recent call last):

    2017-09-21 13:58:57,665 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: File "/build/2.7/build/inst/lib/python3/dist-packages/UM/Settings/Models/InstanceContainersModel.py", line 46, in __init__

    2017-09-21 13:58:57,665 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: File "/build/2.7/build/inst/lib/python3/dist-packages/UM/Settings/Models/InstanceContainersModel.py", line 61, in _update

    2017-09-21 13:58:57,666 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: TypeError: unorderable types: NoneType() < str()

    2017-09-21 13:58:57,719 - DEBUG - UM.Qt.Bindings.Theme.load [165]: Loading theme file: /tmp/.mount_PXesMb/usr/bin/resources/themes/cura/theme.json

    2017-09-21 13:58:57,853 - DEBUG - UM.Qt.Bindings.Theme.load [232]: Loaded theme /tmp/.mount_PXesMb/usr/bin/resources/themes/cura

    2017-09-21 13:58:57,985 - WARNING - cura.Settings.ContainerManager.getContainerMetaDataEntry [184]: Could not get metadata of container because it was not found.

    2017-09-21 13:58:58,182 - DEBUG - OctoPrintPlugin.DiscoverOctoPrintAction._createAdditionalComponentsView [216]: Creating additional ui components for OctoPrint-connected printers.

    2017-09-21 13:58:58,194 - DEBUG - UM3NetworkPrinting.DiscoverUM3Action._createAdditionalComponentsView [138]: Creating additional ui components for UM3.

    2017-09-21 13:58:58,229 - DEBUG - UM3NetworkPrinting.DiscoverUM3Action.startDiscovery [38]: Starting printer discovery.

    2017-09-21 13:58:58,450 - DEBUG - UM.Qt.QtRenderer._initialize [172]: Support for Vertex Array Objects: True

    2017-09-21 13:58:58,459 - DEBUG - UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [85]: Initialized OpenGL subsystems.

    2017-09-21 13:58:58,460 - DEBUG - UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [86]: OpenGL Version: 4.1.0 NVIDIA 378.13

    2017-09-21 13:58:58,461 - DEBUG - UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [87]: OpenGL Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation

    2017-09-21 13:58:58,462 - DEBUG - UM.View.GL.OpenGL.__init__ [88]: OpenGL Renderer: GeForce GTX 1070/PCIe/SSE2

    2017-09-21 13:58:58,463 - DEBUG - UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [/tmp/.mount_PXesMb/usr/bin/resources/shaders/default.shader]...

    2017-09-21 13:58:58,474 - DEBUG - UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [/tmp/.mount_PXesMb/usr/bin/resources/shaders/selection.shader]...

    2017-09-21 13:58:58,480 - DEBUG - UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [/tmp/.mount_PXesMb/usr/bin/resources/shaders/default.shader]...

    2017-09-21 13:58:58,482 - DEBUG - UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [/tmp/.mount_PXesMb/usr/bin/resources/shaders/composite.shader]...

    2017-09-21 13:58:58,495 - DEBUG - UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [/tmp/.mount_PXesMb/usr/bin/resources/shaders/overhang.shader]...

    2017-09-21 13:58:58,509 - DEBUG - UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [/tmp/.mount_PXesMb/usr/bin/resources/shaders/striped.shader]...

    2017-09-21 13:58:58,520 - DEBUG - UM.View.GL.ShaderProgram.load [55]: Loading shader file [/tmp/.mount_PXesMb/usr/bin/resources/shaders/platform.shader]...

    2017-09-21 13:59:04,732 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [39]: An uncaught exception has occurred!

    2017-09-21 13:59:04,733 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: Traceback (most recent call last):

    2017-09-21 13:59:04,734 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: File "/build/2.7/build/inst/lib/python3/dist-packages/cura/Settings/MachineManager.py", line 353, in addMachine

    2017-09-21 13:59:04,734 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: File "/build/2.7/build/inst/lib/python3/dist-packages/cura/Settings/CuraStackBuilder.py", line 44, in createMachine

    2017-09-21 13:59:04,735 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: File "/build/2.7/build/inst/lib/python3/dist-packages/cura/Settings/CuraStackBuilder.py", line 145, in createGlobalStack

    2017-09-21 13:59:04,736 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: File "/build/2.7/build/inst/lib/python3/dist-packages/cura/Settings/CuraStackBuilder.py", line 177, in createDefinitionChangesContainer

    2017-09-21 13:59:04,737 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: File "/build/2.7/build/inst/lib/python3/dist-packages/cura/Settings/CuraContainerRegistry.py", line 57, in addContainer

    2017-09-21 13:59:04,738 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: File "/build/2.7/build/inst/lib/python3/dist-packages/UM/Settings/ContainerRegistry.py", line 229, in addContainer

    2017-09-21 13:59:04,739 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: File "/build/2.7/build/inst/lib/python3/dist-packages/UM/Signal.py", line 212, in emit

    2017-09-21 13:59:04,740 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: File "/build/2.7/build/inst/lib/python3/dist-packages/UM/Signal.py", line 315, in __performEmit

    2017-09-21 13:59:04,741 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: File "/build/2.7/build/inst/lib/python3/dist-packages/UM/Settings/Models/InstanceContainersModel.py", line 52, in _onContainerChanged

    2017-09-21 13:59:04,742 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: File "/build/2.7/build/inst/lib/python3/dist-packages/UM/Settings/Models/InstanceContainersModel.py", line 58, in _update

    2017-09-21 13:59:04,743 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: TypeError: 'method' object is not connected

    2017-09-21 13:59:08,508 - DEBUG - AutoSave.AutoSave._onTimeout [48]: Autosaving preferences, instances and profiles

    2017-09-21 13:59:11,590 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [39]: An uncaught exception has occurred!

    2017-09-21 13:59:11,591 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: Traceback (most recent call last):

    2017-09-21 13:59:11,592 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: File "/build/2.7/build/inst/lib/python3/dist-packages/cura/Settings/MaterialsModel.py", line 10, in __init__

    2017-09-21 13:59:11,593 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: File "/build/2.7/build/inst/lib/python3/dist-packages/UM/Settings/Models/InstanceContainersModel.py", line 46, in __init__

    2017-09-21 13:59:11,593 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: File "/build/2.7/build/inst/lib/python3/dist-packages/UM/Settings/Models/InstanceContainersModel.py", line 61, in _update

    2017-09-21 13:59:11,594 - CRITICAL - cura.CrashHandler.show [42]: TypeError: unorderable types: NoneType() < str()

    2017-09-21 13:59:11,599 - WARNING - UM.PluginRegistry._populateMetaData [381]: Could not find plugin global_stack

    2017-09-21 13:59:11,600 - WARNING - UM.PluginRegistry._populateMetaData [381]: Could not find plugin extruder_stack

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    Posted · Cura 2.7.0 closes when clicking on "materials" under Linux

    OK, thank you ! In the meantime I will stick with 2.6.2 ......

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    Posted · Cura 2.7.0 closes when clicking on "materials" under Linux

    I dont't think it's a general Linux-Problem. Mine is fine, Cura 2.7.0 running in Debian Stretch.

    Maybe a dependency-Problem? Or graphic driver (NVidia)?

    Don't blame it on me, I'm not a programmer ;-)

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