try this, take a small wire brush and go to the move function in the menu, poke one of the wires up into the nozzle and move the wheel to extrude. do that a couple of times and it might solve your problem.
I think you just have a build up burnt material inside the nozzle.
RetromanIE 41
try this, take a small wire brush and go to the move function in the menu, poke one of the wires up into the nozzle and move the wheel to extrude. do that a couple of times and it might solve your problem.
I think you just have a build up burnt material inside the nozzle.
Thanks, But I've already replaced with a fresh 0.4mm nozzle. I can say after looking at that link tinkergnome shared that my feeder is not setup as it should. So I'll fix that up when home and see if it makes a difference.
It's probably a combination of the feeder and coupler, or at least i hope so as they are easy fixes.
Try turning your screw anti clockwise - I seem to remember it was the reverse to what you would expect - the head of the socket screw rests on the top of the lid and turning anti clockwise will cause the spring to compress.
Both of my screws are in the area you indicated
RetromanIE 41
So a quick update. I fixed up my feeder at the back but still have the same issue.
No big deal as i just need some minor parts i reckon.
The screw head position in the picture shown above is wrong!
Here is another picture from 3DVerkstan's website:
As you can see the screw head should be in the area RetromanIE marked red in his picture. A correct installed feeder should have tension on the spring, i.e. without opening the feeder housing you can see the spring head pressed against the inside of the housing (only 2 mm down).
1) The tension indicator should be about in the middle of the scale. When it is all the way up then the tension will be too low and you get under extrusion.
2) Perhaps your nozzle is clogged? Do a hot/cold pull.
3) Did you print abrasive materials like brass fill? Over a longer time this will wear the feeder wheel, bowden tube and perhaps other parts as well.
from what you described it seems issue 1) is your main problem.
Edited by Guest- 4 weeks later...
This position is better.
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tinkergnome 929
the coupler is also my best guess and regarding the feeder tension: take sure that the screw head is in the right place (below the plastic part). 3DVerkstan has great pictures in the (dis-)assembly guide:
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