Subscribed to the topic. Let me know if you need help/testing/feedback.
Hopefully all the pictures in the existing forum will get migrated to the new forum. In the last transition, they weren't, and it was a huge loss for the community.
Thanks @Titus for the offer. I'll reach out when this window presents itself, let's see if you are available around that time!
@Mastory, but they were restored right? Anyway, we are definitely planning on including all images/attachments with the migration and we'll do heavy testing before we go live to make sure everything survived the migration.
Hello: I am attentive to changes because I am new to this and I want to progressively learn. 1 month ago I bought a ultimaker 3 and from my city in Santa Fe, Argentina, I am following them to go interacting with this great community.
Best regards
Most of the pictures survived the previous migration. For example this ancient topic from the old forum:
The first few photos are hosted externally but the first black and white photo with cubes taken from "above" (not the first bw photo - the second bw photo) was hosted by Ultimaker with the normal upload method.
There were definitely some pictures that got lost but I forget which type. Certainly photos that are to temporary image hosting sites such as imgur are not safe but that's not Ultimaker's fault. Or do you think they should copy the photos and host the pictures themselves?
Edited by GuestDim3nsioneer 558
Externally stored images are basically links which should survive any migration and should be displayed in any forum which supports showing external images.
I just remembered that there were issues with the pictures moving over. Don't recall particulars. Wanted to bring it up in case it hadn't been considered.
Fingers crossed. I'm looking forward to a new font! and leaving bugs and frustrations behind.
Even if I lose all my old posts, and go back to "level 1" I think this is a good move.
Sounds good!
Are you only referring to the forum itself or will other sections also change? Things like the dashboard, people, ... will change as well I guess? Reason for asking is that I wonder what will happen with 3D prints and YouMagine. I must say I found that, when starting, quite confusing and I'm still somehow wondering why having 2 different (but quite similar) sections make sense. So if that's going to be more streamlined as well, I'm all for it!
Good luck with all the prep work!
yellowshark 153
Reasons understood, you are in the business of manufacturing printers and slicing software, not forum software! Hopefully the new hosting will support Internet Explorer
I am sure I speak for most people when I say that bugless transfers of personal notification queue and posting history is really important.
Good luck
@Gr5, we are still in the process of optimizing the algorithm for migration. Making sure all photos are included is important part of it. Like you say, photo's hosted on different servers are out of our control though.
@Peetersm, luckily you won't lose all your content or levels. And the bugs will be a thing of the past. Not so sure about the font though
@Yvest, everything following en/community/.... So also the peoples page and 3D prints. The people page will be migrated to IPboards standard profiles, which is kinda similar. The 3D prints will be migrated to a file management system. It has version control and we should also be able to specify similar information fields upon uploading. It should even allow for STL upload, except we will have to set a file size limit for it to not get out of control.
@Yellowshark, let me double check on the internet explorer thing Posting history will certainly be migrated. Personal notifications up onto a certain extent. We will notify you about it when the new forum is live. IPboard supports a few notifications that we did not have, but also the other way around we enabled certain notification frequencies IPboard does not support. So in some cases, we'll have to find a solution.
Well @SandervG I can suggest a place to chat Ultimaker while you are down
When is the event kicking off?
kmanstudios 1,120
How much will this take out of commission? Forums, yes, but what about 3D Prints, YouMagine, etc?
Like not available during the migration, or out of commission like cut out and never coming back? During the migration we are aiming to keep everything accessible, but without login functionality, so you can not post or anything like that. Same goes for the rest. Afterwards, everything should be available again to interact with. YouMagine is currently just a quick link, and that link will be gone, but the site YouMagine will continue to exist as normalHow much will this take out of commission? Forums, yes, but what about 3D Prints, YouMagine, etc?

kmanstudios 1,120
How much will this take out of commission? Forums, yes, but what about 3D Prints, YouMagine, etc?
Like not available during the migration, or out of commission like cut out and never coming back? During the migration we are aiming to keep everything accessible, but without login functionality, so you can not post or anything like that. Same goes for the rest. Afterwards, everything should be available again to interact with. YouMagine is currently just a quick link, and that link will be gone, but the site YouMagine will continue to exist as normal
Thanks for the thoughtful reply (filling in all the possible scenarios of my rather truncated question ) I meant while the transfer was going on. Sorry about the badly worded question.
Sounded ok in my head though
It's all good, we got there eventually
How much will this take out of commission? Forums, yes, but what about 3D Prints, YouMagine, etc?
Like not available during the migration, or out of commission like cut out and never coming back? During the migration we are aiming to keep everything accessible, but without login functionality, so you can not post or anything like that. Same goes for the rest. Afterwards, everything should be available again to interact with. YouMagine is currently just a quick link, and that link will be gone, but the site YouMagine will continue to exist as normal
Thanks for the thoughtful reply (filling in all the possible scenarios of my rather truncated question ) :)I meant while the transfer was going on. Sorry about the badly worded question.
Sounded ok in my head though

Hi Everyone,
I wanted to share an update about the migration. There is still hope we can migrate mid-December, although preparations are not fully completed yet. So it is still too soon to tell right now. Technical preparations are mostly finalized by our development team and by IPboard's, but as we speak we are still optimizing the algorithm that will actually move all content, attachments and user settings to the new software. It looks pretty good already, but it is not fully ready yet.
We also tested today that the forum can stay available during lock down / migration, which I like because all content can still be read and this might be handy for people in need. (but no new replies can be added.)
We don't want to avoid migrating too close to the holidays when support might not be available post-migration, so when we are ready and there is time, we might decide to move fast if it means we can still make it before holidays. But only when fully prepared. In any case, I'll try to post here at least 2 days in advance before the migration.
Let me know if you have any further questions, thoughts or opinions
We are currently looking at December 14th, Thursday, to start the migration process. If there are no delays, we should be back open on December 18th in our new home
We are currently looking at December 14th, Thursday, to start the migration process. If there are no delays, we should be back open on December 18th in our new home
well - good luck @SandervG to you and all of us, hope it all goes well (I can still remember the last migration, but lets leave history behind us)
All the best with the forum changeover Sander & Team. Looking forward to the new look. You'll be glad to see the light at the other end of the tunnel.
@stu_le_brew, thanks. I can remember it as well. A lot of lessons are learned, and we are migrating towards and with the professional help of IPboard. Who also do their best to prepare as thorough as possible.
@NZO, thanks! I certainly am, not at the very least so we have a pleasant environment in which we can interact with each other without unwanted hassles, workarounds and bugs. Let the light be bright!
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