yellowshark 153
You may find that Autodesk's Fusion 360 (free) will be better for you. I tried Sketchup a couple of years ago and though it was the pants
You may find that Autodesk's Fusion 360 (free) will be better for you. I tried Sketchup a couple of years ago and though it was the pants
Yep, I will try to "upgrade" myself slowly to another programm. I will want to try this programm. 2 Days ago I tried "design spark" but it is kind of hard to adapt to the different settings and it´s hard for me at the moment to leave the plain simplicity of Sketchup and go to virtually "designing" every single line. I also tried to open up a simple drawing from me in .stl that I have drawn previously in Sketchup and I couldn´t even go to a single part at this moment. Nor could I delete one :O(
So I really have to learn a new program-handling from scratch. I´ll probably go both ways in the future. Still doing things with Sketchup and meanwhile trying to find a better programm to adapt and "grow" with.
I´ll try Fusion 360 after my kids are back in school. Right now there is little time ;O).
See ya and thank you again.
STL-files are sort of an "end of the line" file format, they're difficult to edit in a meaningful way. They're like soup, they have all the ingredients to make them tasty, but you wont be able to remove all the pieces of onions cleanly
Do try to make an effort to move away from Sketchup, it's just not a good tool for this application. It may be easy to get started but as you've noticed it creates headaches down the line. With a program like Fusion (or any other proper CAD software) you'll be spending some time to get over the hump in the learning curve but you'll be happy you did later.
I moved from sketchup to DSM and don't regret it. Definitely watch a video on all the ways to use the pull tool. I can now design stuff much faster in DSM than in sketchup but it took me a year to get there.
Basically I draw something in one plane then switch to 3d mode and extrude it with pull tool. Then pick a face and go back to 2D mode (X key) then draw on that and then back to 3D and push/pull holes, edges, bevels, posts, etc.
I'm constantly clicking a face in my model, then XKV (type that) then drawing stuff with mouse then D key to go back to 3D, then S to select or P to push/pull.
The push pull tool has about 30 modes - learn them all before you try to design much. If you don't master push/pull you won't know what to draw in 2D mode.
or you can just stay within sketchup and get more advanced. Here is a great sketchup guide to help you design manifold parts:
There are plugins to help you.
Hey Gr5,
I just got back yesterday from skiing. :O). Now it´s back to work (back to reallity)...
Thank you for the help with DSM... I´ll try a couple of things there as time goes by. I´ll start with simple things and then go on from there. I´ll use some tutorials in youtube (I´m sure there are loads (hopefully)) and then I move on. With Sketchup I am quite firm but I am cumming to a point especcially when I am trying some harder stuff that I am ending up fixing mistakes from the program rather than advancing. Sometimes it just kills walls.. then another the lines aren´t parallel anymore and thus the walls aren´t building up anymore (as it was doing with this post). If those mistakes happen from the beginning they are easy to fix but if you are building something more complex this is more or less usless to go and try to fix this. Because if you´re trying to fix one end the programm kills 2 other things and there you go and end up in an infinite sauce of problems... maybe this programm is interlinked to the string theory :O).
So I will try on with DSM and hopefully as you said in 1 year I will be able to cut away Sketchup or just use it for simple things...
I agree - I found with sketchup as I made modifications to my part it wouldn't keep a flat surface flat and then closing it up was getting harder and then when I wanted to modify that flat surface it was very difficult because it wasn't flat anymore and the problems just kept compounding as the part got more changes to it.
This phenomenon can happen in any CAD (edits on edits on edits eventually get all messed up) but it's trivial in DSM to start over on just one area of the part - just slice off a bit with a clean cut and redesign just the part you care about. You see most cad programs think about solids. sketchup thinks about planes and curves. So with most cad programs it's trivial to add or subtract two solids together so you can punch a cylinder or square hole through your part or slice off a plane.
Hi gr5,
yes that is what I am finding out just now.. It is kind of tricky for me in the beginning to set my "Vieving area" every time I want to modify my drawing... then it hops to 2D and I get only the view in that area. What is very need it the "follow"-Tool so you can multiply things around a curve or a plane. I haven´t discovered much jet, but I´ll get there. Another thing wihich I wished I have had in Sketchup is the angle-tool so you can draw at EXACT angles. Great. Unfortunately I don´t get why I would not succeed in copy/paste of for example a circle to another place. I will just not do it. But that is worth looking at once again. Because this will save me time drawing things that repeat (lines, circles) without having to remeasure them again and again and again...
Right now I am just playing around with the software until I get ideas... anyhow with the possiblity to create "screws" that really is another world.
A couple of days ago I finished my box and it´s working only the sticks I printed in nylon came out to thick and I hat to correct that manually...
I leave you with some impressions...
Greetings Daniel
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ahoeben 1,985
Your model model seems to be missing a wall. Notably the left wall. Because of this your model is not "water tight". It needs to be watertight to be able to be 3d printed.
You can see the error in "xray view":
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