These are the settings I have:
I am wondering whether SmoothieWare standard settings and the Cura settings might interfere or something like that.
These are the settings I have:
I am wondering whether SmoothieWare standard settings and the Cura settings might interfere or something like that.
16 minutes ago, HugoW said:These are the settings I have
What about the retraction speed? Does it match the values that are usually used for your printer?
Does it have a bowden setup? I ask, because a retraction distance of 6.5mm is quite long for 1.75mm filaments.
Same question - does it match the values that are usual for your printer?
I've just added retraction speed from the settings list, it defaults to 25mm/s. OK with me. I have no usual figures, I have a homemade CoreXY printer with the extruder on the XY carriage pressing the filament straight into the hotend. But I don't see the motor retrackting, either. I put an excentric dot on the axle so I can see it move. It paused during travel, it does not reverse a bit (should reverse about 1/4 turn with these settings, that should be visable).
While googling I found this older topic:
It tells me G10 and G11 are not always generated for retraction. Two simple questions;
How does Cura retract and "un-retract" if it does not use G10/G11? And why doesn't my printer oblige?
I'll go mess about with this g-code flavor, what ever that may be...
11 hours ago, HugoW said:How does Cura retract and "un-retract" if it does not use G10/G11?
Cura generates move instructions for the e axis (G1) with the specified distance and speed. Like any other move.
Easy to find in the generated gcode of you search for lines that only move the e axis, like "G1 E12.546 F1500",
or simply for "F1500" (1500 mm/min == 25 mm/s).
If those lines are there, your printer ignores them for some reason.
Does the "volumetric trick" from your linked topic still work?
Smoothieware seems to be able to use volumetric e values, so this would probably the easiest way to go?
I've not done much research today, just bought a new house and showed it to the kids. Anyway, I looked for the g-code flavour setting and found it as one of the basic machine settings. It was set at 'RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)'. That makes sense, as when I started this project a while ago I ran a RAMPS 1.4 with Marlin on it. I remember making that choice, now. It also has a setting 'UltiGCode', probably an Ultimaker special. And last but not least 'Repetier'.
I sliced the same file three times and only with the 'UltiGCode' settings I got G10 and G11 codes, and I found them in logical places (I can read G-codes fairly easy, I learned to write them in the beginning of the CNC era). I just wonder why using the regular control of the extruder to retract does not work on my machine, I find F1500 in multiple places and the values seem logical. For instance this part, at start-up:
G1 F1500 E-6.5
G0 F5400 X83.718 Y112.914 Z.299
G1 F1500 E0
And away she goes.
That basically is at start-up to avoid oozing;
Retract 6.5mm
Move to start position
; start with laying down the skirt to prime the nozzle
Un-retract (English?!?) again
And away she goes.
But that part seems to be blocked by my controller somewhere, maybe it is a feature in Smoothieware where I should chose one method for retraction, or the other. But I haven't found out where and how, yet. I prefer the normal control of the extruder over using specials like the G10/G11 codes.
Edited by HugoW
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yellowshark 153
Have you got the Cura setting "enable retraction " ticked? It is in theMaterial section. If it is ticked then it would be helpful to post your other retraction settings
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