you could try re positioning the part to a different place on the bed (left or right), this would prove @gr5 thinking
As @gr5 said, this is most certainly due to the glass not being perfectly flat. It seems to happen a lot, I guess UM should try and get better glasses from another supplier.
Anyway, you can try and call your supplier to have the glass exchanged, or, you could try to print on the other side of the glass. I bought a second glass bed, and the second one was less thick in the middle on one side than the other, so flipping it over solved my printing troubles.
Thanks for the answers. I'll try moving the part and/or flipping the glass.
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gr5 2,230
First of all the difference is pretty small and I think most people wouldn't care. I mean the final part should look fine, right? Well maybe lower/tighten all 3 screws just 1/3 a rotation to get the bed a little farther from the nozzle. But the final part should look fine I think. Just because the bottom layer is a little thin doesn't mean the whole part is bad.
Anyway what is causing this is almost certainly glass that is not flat. Ultimaker uses tempered glass (not certain why they do this) and tempered glass tends to be thicker/higher in the middle just like this. You could just accept it like this or you could ask your reseller for another piece of glass. But they are all like this to some degree. Some glass plates are better than others.
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