bob-hepple 59
Thanks for that Tinkergnome scratch my head and try and make sense of it I am trying to alter the temp cooling down heating up times for the filament on the Mark2
Thanks for that Tinkergnome scratch my head and try and make sense of it I am trying to alter the temp cooling down heating up times for the filament on the Mark2
44 minutes ago, bob-hepple said:I am trying to alter the temp cooling down heating up times for the filament on the Mark2
I doubt that this is solvable with the available internal tools of S3D (at least not in the way that Cura does it).
You should get in contact with @zerspaner_gerd. He made an (external) python script for this purpose, it would be nice if someone can translate it (it's in german):ür-simplify3d-dual/
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tinkergnome 927
The best source that i know, is still this post in the S3D forum:
Your particular example adds some commands to change the acceleration - dependent on the feature type.
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