thank you! tons of great reading here!
oh boy, so scaling up a lot can introduce got it. didn't think of that, but yeah makes total sense. so it's probably important that i figure out a way to get my stl create so that it comes into cura at a reasonable size according to the size i want to print it. i model in 1 unit = 1 inch so that will take some extra preparation.
yeah, i see what you mean then also about beef up the details - fudge it!
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kmanstudios 1,120
Hello, welcome to the forms.
The thing to keep in mind is that it can only 'sample' the height of a layer or about twice the width of a line width accurately. This based on the Nyquist frequency. So enlarging the model can throw it out of scale overall. But if you can 'beef' up the details a bit, it can help.
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