If you drop the model, you'll just get a floor printed below the model.
If it's a one time thing, you could edit the g-code - you could cut out the bits you don't want.
Set basically delete the lines after the set up and the skirt, going to layer 3 or 4 (or whatever the first no-bottom layer is, (number of floors + 1), then just set the current Z to that height, and you should be able to retain the rest of the code.
It's probably a good exercise, and doesn't require massive new skillsets.
i'll try your method, but this should be an option in cura, i've printed a lot of bottomless things, only now the open overhangs have been an issue
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ultiarjan 1,223
can't you just drop the model a bit below the build plate? without a picture it's hard to imagine your model...
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