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How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?


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Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?
2 hours ago, Modified_Gemini said:

So if you acknowledged the difference WAY back when. Why were you persistant in saying that you can print single walls.

Because if you take multiple walls and stack them on top of each other, they become one single wall. It was not until Smartavionics explained that each wall had its own characteristics did the difference make sense. Why is that hard for you to understand? When looking at the images of how it sliced, it stacked the walls into one single wall. Should that have been with identical properties on each wall, then it would be a single wall.


2 hours ago, Modified_Gemini said:

When you blatently  ignore facts being given to you.

Ignoring facts and just accepting someone's word when they do not explain themselves or the reasoning, is not the same thing. I accepted @smartavionics facts because he actually explained those differences, you just expected me, a stranger to accept your word. I do not know you or what your meanings were and to me, you were just repeating the same thing without clarification. Why is it impossible for you to see the difference between what he said and what you failed to say?


2 hours ago, Modified_Gemini said:

ignoring the math of the gcode when the line plot shows 2 walls being printed

Again, I do not read g-code. Why is that hard for you to understand?


2 hours ago, Modified_Gemini said:

when you ignore the physics when way back you admited to visually watching 2 walls being printed.

Um, no, I watched an extruder going back and forth laying down identical lines of plastic one on top of the other. That is not ignoring physics. That is observation. It may not be all there is to it, but it is observation. The observation of one line laying down on top of another, to make an apparent single wall. If I have a choice to believe you, with no real explanation or attempt to explain other than just believe you, or believe what I see, I will believe my eyes first.


2 hours ago, Modified_Gemini said:

So yes, all that makes me giggle..

And, that makes you a sad person indeed if this preoccupies you so much and you find my limitations humourous. That makes me wonder what your issues are when I put forth what I could see, what the information in front of me was and all you did was say "No it is not." Whether you put forth g-code or not is irrelevant if I am cannot read it. And, actually while on the list of things to do in the future, it is not top of the list right now. If I say something in Cantonese and you do not understand, is it your fault or mine?


2 hours ago, Modified_Gemini said:

So again i ask. ( Iwant to see the depths youre willing to fight this)... Do you think have always been printing single walls?

You see this as a fight. I do not. I do not see the point in answering this for the thousandth time. I acknowledged this when someone put forth a much superior version of information that I could understand. That person tried to help. You are just berating me then and now for my lack of knowledge and ability to understand what I still consider to be very, very poor communications of the issue at hand. Their version if information was far superior to yours. And, once understood, acknowledged. Even now, it is not about what I have come to understand, it has become something really twisted now that you seek a specific response to that I am unable to give. You did not help me understand. That is all. I also see that your writings are chock full of bad grammar, misspellings and such. If I were to apply the metric you apply to me, I would say that with such poor understanding of the language that you barely can communicate on an actual educated level. I mean seriously, you even do not use spell-check. Is that fair to you?


But, I choose to overlook that and not berate you for bad writing or bad explanation. Just saying the sky is blue is not telling me why the sky is blue. If I were color blind, why would I take your word for it if it does not have a validation that makes sense? Why does my limitations preoccupy you so much?

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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?
    8 hours ago, kmanstudios said:

    Because if you take multiple walls and stack them on top of each other, they become one single wall.

    I explained they are not "stacked" on each other. they are overlapped.. Stacked would mean a new wall is printed on top of the original. Overlapped means they are not stacked. It is slightly offset and the slow 1% extrusion is creating a new wall that is joined to the previous wall.. HUGE difference in realities.


    8 hours ago, kmanstudios said:

    Ignoring facts and just accepting someone's word when they do not explain themselves

    I did explain myself, also The first reply understood EXACTLY what I was talking about. It is not my fault you chose to jump into a conversation you did not grasp


    8 hours ago, kmanstudios said:

    Um, no, I watched an extruder going back and forth laying down identical lin

    8 hours ago, kmanstudios said:

    I do not see the point in answering this for the thousandth time

    es of plastic one on top of the other. That is not ignoring physics. That is observation. It may not be all there is to it, but it is observation. The observation of one line laying down on top of another,


    Again no, you ignored the facts given to you because "didn't understand it". There is a HUGE difference between 1 and 2. The real explanation was set forth in the beginning with my gcode analysis AND confirmed with the very first reply (which you chose to ignore as well).

    8 hours ago, kmanstudios said:

    Whether you put forth g-code or not is irrelevant


    Sorry, but its completely relevant. The gcode shows the EXACT movements of the toolpath. Not what you think you see in a picture.


    8 hours ago, kmanstudios said:

    that makes you a sad person indeed


    Im actually a happy go lucky kinda guy. I just didn't appreciate someone arguing their opinion over the facts I given. (again facts that from the first reply understood. because you couldn't is not my fault) 


    8 hours ago, kmanstudios said:

    you even do not use spell-check

    no, I turned it off on my phone. its like really super annoying. But youre really doing your dammdest to deflect.. my spelling has nothing to do with the gcode that you cannot understand anyways.


    What I'm after? Basically, an apology. Or just stop replying is cool. You still cannot understand the you caused this by arguing your opinion over the facts I presented. And you did this on the grounds because "you did not understand". I was arguing and trying to explain to who I thought understood the basics of 3d printing. Which you didn't. Which brings to light many points. Why were you arguing your opinion over facts I presented? Yet you claimed me to be a troll? You said my alternative facts? Seriously, what kind of teacher are you? A student provides evidence and you ignore it because its above your paygrade of understanding?


    Funny you pointed out your a teacher... like it had any bearing on the conversation. it obviously didn't grant you any understanding of my post from the get go. Yet you try to point out I'm being superior? Well I can hold my breath for 10 seconds. I guess were even..

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    Posted (edited) · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?
    3 hours ago, Modified_Gemini said:

    What I'm after? Basically, an apology.

    Not going to happen. You see, I am not sorry for what I thought was right. I acknowledged the difference. It is you that have made this personal for yourself. I have altered my position based off good information by another person other than yourself.


    3 hours ago, Modified_Gemini said:

    Or just stop replying is cool

    Why should I not reply when you keep dredging this up and confusing timelines?


    3 hours ago, Modified_Gemini said:

    You still cannot understand the you caused this by arguing your opinion over the facts I presented.

    You cannot understand that the 'facts' you presented were not really an explanation. It wa basically because "You said so." You hold no high ground on that issue. You keep drawing a difference between overlapped and stacked when they are the same thing in a constructive sense. In a programming sense and how properties are assigned, it does make a difference.


    3 hours ago, Modified_Gemini said:

    like it had any bearing on the conversation.

    It dos when you are trying to say you were giving out proper information, the role of a teacher. That is the substance of being here. I am trying to learn and those that are responsible in their vastly superior knowledge try to pass this on by way of explanation, not berating someone struggling to learn and understand. That makes them teachers, and it does not make you one. If you cannot see that then all of this is lost on you.


    It is too bad that you got your feelings hurt. But, it is you who has chosen to make this personal. It is you that has chosen to keep this alive even after I changed positions way back just because you cannot see that your explanations were inferior to someone else's information. Even up to your last post, you kept trying to say that I had not changed positions.

    Even as of yesterday, this was your position:

    3 hours ago, Modified_Gemini said:

    I mean, do you still think you print single walls?

    And, when you make these kind of statements that I can fully understand what is being said:

    3 hours ago, Modified_Gemini said:

    As how is it configured as .35mm?

    Cura is set to a 0.35 line width by default.


    It is configured to that line width. Simply opening the program would have shown you that. But you fail to see that this type of misinformation can lead to a lack of trust in your information.


    Here is the gist of it all as I see it. You got your feelings hurt because I accepted someone else's explanation over your's. This is not an issue I am concerned about. I accepted the new information when presented in a way that I could understand. For me, that is growth. Your feelings are not anywhere near my priority. Acknowledgement of ignorance was not good enough for you. A change of position is not good enough for you. I have even acknowledged that you, in fact, do have superior knowledge and that still is not good enough.


    So, if that is not good enough, then you will be left unhappy as I am not going to apologize for defending a position that, for all the information at my command at that time, said otherwise to your position.


    Oh, and by the way, stacking and overlapping as well as layering, heap, load, etc. are synonyms. It deals with arrangement of layers. But this does not approach the issue of each wall having separate properties. Only one person made that clear and he got thanks for that.

    Edited by kmanstudios
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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

    Actually, the only issue i had was your continual arguments of your opinion against facts i brought to the table. Facts you didnt struggle to understand, but blatently ignore, and continue with your opinion. 


    And literally, who opens up cura and prints with the default settings. I had to change plenty before i even start to print, even the filament diameter was wrong. So arguing about default settings is moot. Either way, the line width means nothing. I have changed the line width multiple times/sizes and no combination of wall thickness vs. line width will create a single wall. Or I have yet to find this magic number. Which is why i came here. So no, you never have printed single walls, and argued you had/were, driving this argument. And i had fun with it. 


    Buuuuut, this bores me now. Glad you learned something out of it and no longer pass on misinformation. Catch you in another couple years when i cross a situation i cannot figure out on my own. 

    Ok, bye bye now.

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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?
    1 hour ago, Modified_Gemini said:

    Facts you didnt struggle to understand, but blatently ignore, and continue with your opinion. 

    Bad assumption on your part. And that is the crux of this. YOU assume to much on my thought process.


    1 hour ago, Modified_Gemini said:

    And literally, who opens up cura and prints with the default settings.

    I do many times. As Cura has developed, it requires less and less messing with unless you are doing something specific.


    1 hour ago, Modified_Gemini said:

    no longer pass on misinformation

    Again, bad assumption. I can only extrapolate what I see. And, often do get it wrong. But, someone just repeating thigns without trying to change the explanation or trying to make sure it is undrstood as @smartavionics did is not helpful. I too am glad I learned. But do not assume that anybody should take your word for anything.


    When I first started printing I heard constantly from everyone here that you could not print ninjaflex and such without massive mods. I had it up and printing in no time. It was even brought to my attention from someone I was corresponding with to present the information. So, I did, and was asked to share settings and pics. I did. Nobody had to take my word for it. But if I blindly followed everybody's word, well, I would not be where I am today printing wise. Still tons to learn. Subtle things.


    @SandervG pointed out something I had never thought of three weeks ago when he felt the bottom of a print. Everyday is a learning experience.

    1 hour ago, Modified_Gemini said:

    Either way, the line width means nothing.

    If it meant nothing, then you would not change it. I too change line widths all the time to do funky stuff or increase sampling details in finer meshes without having to change to a smaller nozzle. But the default line width within Cura is what it is and what someone quoted was the default line width.

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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

    It was never about just taking my word. Trust me, I don't take anyone's word in this either. And I tell people to do the same. However this wasn't my word, or my opinion, or what I thought. It was my findings. I've also never been accused of being a good teacher. And when people ask me to teach them, I say no, I'm not a good teacher. While my explanations are correct, some may not understand. While I tried a few ways, I guess they all seemed the same to you. If I'm trying to describe the color red. All I got is "It's red" "Its not blue". That's just how my brain works.


    I too grew up with Cura, but I have always hade to change many default settings. Not because I wanted to do anything specific. Guess its because I don't have a fancy printer like you that Cura was tailored for? I mostly learned to change setting according to how my printer reacts to them. And how the Cura engine links the settings to each other. I'm no programmer and coding skillz can make an LED blink... maybe twice.... I can just see the logic in the printers behavior. I watch what triggers bad behavior then create super simple STLs that when sliced are easy to read. Why would the default line width be .35mm? I've always assumed/been told that it was supposed to be the same as the nozzle width? So I always change it to .4mm Never had any issues, so that's where it stayed. And I only ment that line width didn't matter in the aspect of printing asingle wall - no matter what line size you input along side the actual wall thickness produced a single wall. I previously stated it as overlapping walls - that was a bad term for me to use. The nozzle overlaps say 99%, while that 1% of nozzle is hovering over free air. That's where the 1% extrusion I mentioned came into play. That 1% of exposed nozzle, is extruding 1% of filament. Thus creating 2 walls. A full wall and that little smidge of a second wall. 2 passes - 2 walls. Same thing as any normal overlap setting in Cura, but recalculated to the extreme that you cant control. (I was just wanting to control it). 


    And holy crap!! I never thought about reducing the line size to force a more detailed slice! I'm pretty sure you're talking about lithophanes? If it works for me, ill have to shoot you a few pennies too! avionics never shot me a link :/


    I haven't printed ninja flex yet, I've seen plenty who have with mods are a simple as just adding a rubber band. I must admit, it is fun doing things people say cant be done.

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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?
    41 minutes ago, Modified_Gemini said:

    It was never about just taking my word.

    Awful lot of bellyaching with "I told you, I showed you, you would not believe me" to show otherwise. ;p


    43 minutes ago, Modified_Gemini said:

    Guess its because I don't have a fancy printer like you that Cura was tailored for?

    I would not know. I am that new to this. I have only been printing for just over a year.


    44 minutes ago, Modified_Gemini said:

    And holy crap!! I never thought about reducing the line size to force a more detailed slice! I'm pretty sure you're talking about lithophanes?

    Nope. I made a model that had small buttons on it. I had to reduce the line width size to get it small enough to 'see' them. I was using the Nyquist frequency idea to get around the size issue.


    46 minutes ago, Modified_Gemini said:

    I haven't printed ninja flex yet, I've seen plenty who have with mods are a simple as just adding a rubber band. I must admit, it is fun doing things people say cant be done.

    To be honest, that is my mantra and always has been. Where most people see a mess, I see something different in other circumstances.

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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?
    5 hours ago, Modified_Gemini said:

    Why would the default line width be .35mm? I've always assumed/been told that it was supposed to be the same as the nozzle width? So I always change it to .4mm Never had any issues, so that's where it stayed.

    We get a lot of questions about this actually.

    We use about 7/8ths of the nozzle size in Ultimaker's printers because adjacent lines tend to adhere better together then. Because the nozzle is a bit wider, the adjacent line gets partially printed on top of the previous line. 7/8ths of the nozzle size seems to be the sweet spot (so we also use 0.7mm lines for 0.8mm nozzles).

    This works completely different for different nozzle designs, so if you have a different sort of nozzle then the sweet spot will probably be somewhere else.

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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?
    16 hours ago, kmanstudios said:

    Awful lot of bellyaching

    What can I say. Sometimes I get in the paint and I charge hard. Then I'm like meh, and lose interest.


    12 hours ago, ghostkeeper said:

    Because the nozzle is a bit wider, the adjacent line gets partially printed on top of the previous line

    When this happens are the extrusions recalculated to 7/8 as well, or is this in a way creating an over extrusion? Or Is this just a way to force an overlap? Does this create a dual overlap alongside the existing overlap settings?

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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?
    3 hours ago, Modified_Gemini said:

    When this happens are the extrusions recalculated to 7/8 as well, or is this in a way creating an over extrusion? Or Is this just a way to force an overlap? Does this create a dual overlap alongside the existing overlap settings?

    The extrusion is "recalculated". That is to say, it extrudes just as much as is needed for the 0.35mm line width and shouldn't overextrude. And the lines are closer together too.

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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?
    1 hour ago, ghostkeeper said:

    The extrusion is "recalculated". That is to say, it extrudes just as much as is needed for the 0.35mm line width and shouldn't overextrude. And the lines are closer together too.


    I think I get it. Doesn't work in reverse though. (At least for single walls) I tried increasing the line width to cover that second pass but then it wont slice the wall. Either way, I'm definitely going to have a play with this new information. Thanks!


    Also, I guess I have been increasing the overlap whenever I seen an issue or trying to fill gaps ect. What's technical difference between changing the line width vs. changing the overlap? 

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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?
    8 hours ago, Modified_Gemini said:

    Also, I guess I have been increasing the overlap whenever I seen an issue or trying to fill gaps ect. What's technical difference between changing the line width vs. changing the overlap? 

    There are settings for increasing the overlap between skin and walls, and the overlap between infill and walls, but not for the overlap between skin lines among themselves. So if you adjusted some overlap setting, it must be the overlap between skin and walls or the overlap between infill and walls.


    Reducing the line width creates no overlap in theory. But in practice, because your nozzle size is larger than your line width, the line gets "blurred" a bit which causes them to overlap and adhere better.

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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?
    1 hour ago, ghostkeeper said:

    There are settings for increasing the overlap between skin and walls, and the overlap between infill and walls, but not for the overlap between skin lines among themselves. So if you adjusted some overlap setting, it must be the overlap between skin and walls or the overlap between infill and walls.


    Reducing the line width creates no overlap in theory. But in practice, because your nozzle size is larger than your line width, the line gets "blurred" a bit which causes them to overlap and adhere better.

    I have been playing with some things such as reducing and expanding line widths just to see how it feels when printed. The reducing line widths brought out some nice detail and I did not notice any deficits in the print. Could there be some that my lack of experience could have missed as far as detecting deficits? The prints feel good, but wondering.

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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?
    2 hours ago, kmanstudios said:

    I have been playing with some things such as reducing and expanding line widths just to see how it feels when printed. The reducing line widths brought out some nice detail and I did not notice any deficits in the print. Could there be some that my lack of experience could have missed as far as detecting deficits? The prints feel good, but wondering.

    If you decrease the line width too much the corners don't become very nice. If you decrease it even farther the extrusion becomes irregular. Even farther and you get just beads instead of a steady line.

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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

    Fascinating discussion @ghostkeeper

    It sounds like in software theory none of this should matter, but because of the way filament flows and swells, the 'larger' nozzle slightly smears the 0.35mm lines and may blend better. 

    I don't really get it though. Cura wise, is there any difference between setting the nozzle diameter to 0.35 and setting the line width to 0.35? (for nozzle of 0.4mm in reality).

    Also, what about the the case when I set the line width to 0.45 (nozzle is 0.4)? The slight overextrusion should also force lines to blend more, or not? I am still missing a piece of this. 

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    Posted (edited) · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?
    3 hours ago, carvedblock said:

    I don't really get it though. Cura wise, is there any difference between setting the nozzle diameter to 0.35 and setting the line width to 0.35? (for nozzle of 0.4mm in reality).

    Yeah, a couple but it depends a bit on your printer. For Ultimaker 3 for instance, we've set the line width to be a formula, equal to 7/8ths the nozzle size. So if you set the nozzle size to 0.35, you'd get lines 0.306mm wide, but if you set the line width to 0.35mm, you'd overwrite the formula and get lines of 0.35mm wide.

    Apart from that, we've also got some other things depend on the nozzle size, such as Outer Wall Wipe Distance (which is set by default to half a line width), but apart from Line Width it's all really minor.



    3 hours ago, carvedblock said:

    Also, what about the the case when I set the line width to 0.45 (nozzle is 0.4)? The slight overextrusion should also force lines to blend more, or not? I am still missing a piece of this. 

    You can see this happen really well in the initial layer if you look closely. If you set the line width higher than your nozzle size you tend to get worse horizontal adhesion because the extruder can't handle the pressure pushing against the filament well. But you should get better adhesion vertically because you're really pushing the filament down hard then. This is why we're setting the initial layer line width to 120% by default, to get better bed adhesion.


    Personally, in most of my prints, I like to increase the skin line width a little bit and then enable ironing. Increasing the skin line width reduces the printing time a lot because you need fewer lines. Ironing then makes the top surface look nice regardless of the crude lines/underextrusion.

    Edited by ghostkeeper
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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

    All the arcane techniques...

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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

    I am encountering this same issue. I want to print a single wall for a print but cura is printing an inner and outer wall. (or perhaps a 0% wall as you said, it's hard to tell, I just know it travels over the same area twice reducing the quality and increasing the time). I can't use vase mode because part of the print isn't single walled. Slic3r does it as expected, when the wall is thinner than 2X the nozzle it prints one wall instead of both an inner and outer wall. @smartavionics was your code ever merged?

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    Posted (edited) · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?
    5 hours ago, nathanaa5 said:

    @smartavionics was your code ever merged?


    My single wall & gap filling code has not been merged, yet. If you wish to use it, install one of my releases from https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s43vqzmi4d2bqe2/AAADdYdSu9iwcKa0Knqgurm4a?dl=0.

    Edited by burtoogle
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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?
    2 minutes ago, smartavionics said:


    My single wall & gap filling code has not been merged, yet. If you wish to use it, install one of my releases.


    @smartavionics I came across this post where you say that the setting was added for minimum wall flow and that it should solve it. Is that not the same issue?


    How do I find one of your releases?



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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

    Hi @nathanaa5, there's two separate mechanism in Cura for thin walls.


    1 - the normal "fat" wall printing logic which prints all walls as an outer/inner pair. When the overlap compensation is enabled, the second wall to be printed will be thinned down to try and fit it in the available space. There's an extra setting called min wall flow that controls the cut off so that walls that are so thin that their percentage flow is below the threshold will be replaced with travel moves. Using those settings will produce reasonable results on walls whose width is > approx 125% of the wall line width.


    2 - If you try and print a wall that's thinner than can be handled using the above, enable the "thin walls" setting and another mechanism will be used. I have recently worked on a new implementation of this mechanism as I was not happy with the performance of the existing implementation. This is also used for filling the gaps between walls.


    You can find my releases at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s43vqzmi4d2bqe2/AAADdYdSu9iwcKa0Knqgurm4a?dl=0


    Here's some test objects that use either thin walls or gap filling (ignore the fact that the skirt doesn't go around the central object, that isn't relevant here.)



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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

    @smartavionics so when the second wall is too thin it still does the travel moves? That is not good. I also don't think there is any way to see in the cura UI that the moves have been replaced by travel moves. Do your builds change this behavior so that it just eliminates the second wall entirely when the model only has enough space for one? I am specifically talking about a situation where the model wall width and cura line width exactly match.

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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?
    1 hour ago, nathanaa5 said:

    @smartavionics so when the second wall is too thin it still does the travel moves? That is not good. I also don't think there is any way to see in the cura UI that the moves have been replaced by travel moves. Do your builds change this behavior so that it just eliminates the second wall entirely when the model only has enough space for one? I am specifically talking about a situation where the model wall width and cura line width exactly match.


    When walls have been replaced by travel moves because their flow is below the min wall flow setting value, they will look like any other travel move in the layer viewer (either light or dark blue depending on whether they used retraction or not). If there is only space for one wall line then the second line will have a flow of 0 and so could be completely replaced by travel moves. If all of the line segments in a wall are replaced by travel, none of those travel moves will actually be done because there would be no point as you would end up at the start location of the wall.

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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

    @smartavionics, thank you for your work, I downloaded Cura-mb-master-20190114.dmg bt I can get to slice using a single line a very simple design.


    As you can see is a single line but Cura keeps breaking the wall, unchecking Print Thin Walls, make part of the wall disappear. In Slic3er the wall is made perfectly in a single pass..

    Z-84 Wing Leading Edge.stl

    Z-84 Wing Leading Edge Slic3r.gcode

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    Posted · How To Create Single Wall Prints? BUG?

    Hello @Revenant-Miami, I need the Cura project (.3mf) to really understand your problem. Please attach it to this thread.

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