Hello can you tell me what is your printer and maybe you should try to dry it first in the oven at 60 C 1h to 2h maybe
I have the Ultimaker 2+ and my only time doing TPU95A was with a part with no support and I looked up tips before and that is where i saw the oven trick. So I put the spool in a little toaster oven at like 75C for like 30 min and another 30 min on the buildplate in the printer at 60C but I live in canada so it's less humid maybe it's a big factor.
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Bump for help. I did print some other ones that have turned out better, but I am still getting stringing. I think the first one had some PLA still stuck in the print core. I have tried to mess with the travel by adjusting combing mode so that the print head doesn't go outside the part, but I still get it making travels across the part causing bad stringing in the middle. How do I fix this?
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