yellowshark 153
Following on from @gr5 my first question is, comparing the two prints, did you use EXACTLY the same settings for both prints, i.e. printer speeds, layer height, extruder temp., fans. Are you using PLA? Am I right in assuming that both prints are using the same filament? Just so you know, bed levelling only affects the first or first few layers; so it would not be the cause of the pproblem you are seeing.
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gr5 2,295
That's severe underextrusion. I don't know the CR-10 so I don't know what would cause it. The most common causes is simply printing too cold or too fast. Too fast might mean simply the layer height is too thick - when I talk about printing speed I multiple nozzle width X speed X layer height. The higher the temp, the less viscous the plastic is and so you can print faster (but quality goes down).
Anyway the first thing to try is to print at 1/3 the speed. Another possibility since it seems fine on many layers in a row is that your Z axis is dropping suddenly for no apparent reason. Maybe the Z driver overheats and the bed falls? Does the CR-10 have a bed that goes up and down?
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Kendall Baker 0
Thank you for the suggestion. The cr-10s has dual threaded rods for a z axis. The gratry moves up and is the x axis. The bed is on the y axis. I upped the flow rate to 160% in cura and reprinted the same object. It was still a little off but it was much better. I am going to look up doing a esteps calibration to correct it. Thank you for the quick help!
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