nice one, thanks very much
- 1 month later...
Something strange has now happened, the printer has been working fine with the updated time, however recently whenever the printer is powered down and back up the time resets to 01/01/1970?
I've went through the process of resetting the time / date and it works until the machine is power cycled:
Is there a version of a "BIOS" battery in the UM3 that could be flat?
We don't have a battery on the mainboard(s). So for timekeeping, we rely on network connectivity in order to get the correct time. At boot, this is not directly available, which might lead to seeing the UNIX epoch time until we have resolved the right UTC time.
The printer is on a wired connection with a reserved DHCP address, its been about 3hrs since it was last put through a power cycle and it still shown the 1970's. Does the printer use the network to pull the time and date from a NTP server?
Finally got the date and time to update correctly after a power cycle, used this tutorial on configuring the NPT client:
Edited by jb011a9840
- 1 year later...
@jb011a9840, The current link don't work.Could you please share the link again?
On 6/6/2018 at 9:01 AM, jb011a9840 said:Finally got the date and time to update correctly after a power cycle, used this tutorial on configuring the NPT client:
- 7 months later...
I know this is a blast from the past, but I have this same problem with just a slight twist and the links above are dead.
My issue is with an S5 but is the same idea. My S5s are connected hardwire to a private network that is very tightly controlled. The S5s will never have direct access to the internet, but I do now have both DNS and DHCP service on this network and the server (a VM of Windows Server 2016) does have internet connection and I am assuming can somehow provide time to clients. I just cannot figure out how to do it yet.
I would even be ok with setting the time via SSH or other as long as the S5 could "mostly" stay on time. My S5s rarely get secured and are on a UPS.
Thanks in advance.
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gr5 2,295
I'm guessing it's more about the time zone. Mine keeps perfect time but it's in UTC which is basically the time in England but without daylight savings. It connects to a time server regularly on the internet so is extremely accurate. Here is an article for setting the time zone. This worked for my UM3:
To get into the computer in your UM3 use ssh: ssh root@ (where is the ip address of your um3 - it has to be in developer mode)
password is "ultimaker".
If you don't know ssh I suppose maybe it's time to learn? Or maybe you should just not bother? On windows I use putty. On linux or Mac you can use ssh directly from command line.
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