Like the great accessibility of your z-axis adjuster. Is there any loss of maximum vertical movement of the mounting plate?
Like the great accessibility of your z-axis adjuster. Is there any loss of maximum vertical movement of the mounting plate?
No, there is no problem with the vertical limit. If there were, you could just extend the moving piece a little further down.
After spending a lot of time with the fussy z axis homing adjustment, I designed what I think is a simple and accurate way of doing this. <htttp://>
The main component is an inexpensive miniature brass fitting that has two 10-32 threaded holes and one male 10-32 . Here is an example:
I use this printable thing for the same effect:
Care to share your instructions? Am currently building one of my own and more examples never hurt
I thought in the newer ulitmakers (V2 hot end) this was no longer a problem.
It does, however, look like you have that ziptie just where the blue clip is supposed to be - is there a blue clip hidden underneath? If it were missing then slipping would certainly result.
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jhertzberg 19
Regarding your bowden tube fix. I recommend Owen's bowden clamp ( It cured slipping for me.
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