The situation has degenerated really (really) badly...
The last completed print was already not that good, with several horizontal "lines" as in this picture (bottom part, the picture doesn't show them all but trust me they are annoying)
When I went checking my last print the head was destroyed. By destroyed i mean melted and never to use again. Here a pic:
I found the printer still printing, mid air without extruding. the top of the head was all messed up, I think this happened because the feeder kept feeding pla but the printer couldn't extrude. I think that the pla filament might have pushed the melted head and therefore break it and bend it like in the picture. anyway it also caused the tube to go out of place and the thermocouple to disconnect but still no mintemp error and the printer kept worknig... here a pic:
The object i was printing was distorted and melted. It smelled like burned sugar
I am really disappointed with what happened. Really. I am gonna have to spend a lot of money to get the melted pieces (+ shipping) and I am not a rich guy, and it's also gonna couse a big delay on my schedule. Since I don't wanna this to happen EVER again I would like to at least understand how that was possible, and what might have coused it..... Anyone?
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valcrow 145
Your bowden tube might not be totally inserted into the plastic bit which can cause bends in the PLA causing more friction sometimes.
As for the Gunk on top of your aluminum block, I don't think it's actually PLA. I recently just changed my nozzle to one that came in an extra hot end pack, and I noticed the same thing on mine. All the time I've used it with the older nozzle didn't have this gunk issue. With the new one it seems it's melting off a layer of protective coating off the brass and it's getting everywhere. My first print had some burnt brown gunk deposited in the print and also ontop of the aluminum block like yours.
Not sure if it's harmful or suppose to be there... New to this issue myself too.
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