That was my thought too.
It's a shame because I like their filament most.
Personally since they have show zero improvement on this last 3 years nor spooled their colors this wouldn’t surprise me, specially With the prices of colorfabb now that offers custom RAL colors you can have 2 kilos perfectly spooled of almost any color. I did stop getting faber years ago and moved to cheaper and more production reliable offers from fillamentum, eumakers and colorfabb for my shop needs.
Odd, we obviously have very different perspectives.
I have found Faberdashery to be much cheaper and produces great prints.
I also have many more problems with spooled filament than I ever have with the unspooled filament from Faberdashery.
They could improve the consistency of supply though, it is annoying when colours are out of stock for weeks.
I agree with Neotko, I got my Fab samples and the lack of spool made It just a pain and I still can't see why this would be a good busyness sense for them, so many people must be put off my the lack of spool. It would make more sense for them to at the very least offer a spooled option on all colours. I found their actual filament to print well, but saying that not noticeably better than Filamentum and others. Taking the price into account and the lack of a spool, I didn't order any more. Shame as some of the metallic type colours are nice. My guess is they are about to go under (if haven't already)
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I had the same sort of experience from them, their website hasn't been updated for ages and even their twitter feed is stale. I am guessing they are about to stop trading.
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