Sweet weekend reading material.
Hi, I don't have all your answers.
2. You may want to consider a heated chamber, not just a platform, in order to reduce warp from the ABS cooling. This is based on the results of an associate with a rep-rap who reports that the heated platform has limited effect on larger models.
3. Not really understanding your question. Assembly of the Ultimaker is done in pieces, the instructions are now quite thorough. Assembly of an individual part may or may not require different pieces. The limitations of the print process require that some overhangs must be printed upside-down then mated with another piece.
4. Skeinforge has a built-in setting to add support, it can be adjusted to some degree. Many of the users here also use Netfabb. I am not familiar with Netfabb but I am quite sure it has a similar setting. These are the standard programs used to slice a model (.stl) into a toolpath that the printer can understand. (g-code). You may also find some other alternatives in various stages of development.
Skeinforge is free but slow, while Netfabb is fast but requires payment.
5. See this topic. Developments are being made with multiple print heads, although there are still technical hurdles. There is currently no "off-the-shelf" solution for the Ultimaker.
6. I have seen some interesting youtube videos using Microsoft Kinect for 3d mapping. I have not had the time to get into this further, but it would be my first start.
Thanks for the info. it is greatly appreciated.
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owen 19
See http://techwall.net/ultimaker-3d-printing-workflow some your other questions have many answers which can be found in the forum here or at https://groups.google.com/forum/?pli=1#!forum/ultimaker
Good luck
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