Dim3nsioneer 558
No. Active leveling is always performed on the S5 before a print and cannot be switched off.
A pretty dirty trick might be to start the print with a different material (that has less oozing at the temperature used during active leveling) in that print core (you will have to override the configuration mismatch in Cura Connect) and then to pause the print as early as possible (I can't guarantee it but maybe that's possible even in the heat up phase) and perform a material change in order to change to TPU.
Edited by Dim3nsioneer
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Dim3nsioneer 558
If you have an Ultimaker 3, you can set the active leveling frequency to 'never' and start it from the menu without having loaded the TPU yet.
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covers911 0
Can I do this on the S5?
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