I would do that if I could, it takes an age for it to do anything on the screen, it is like the programme is stalling. My system is not that bad, i7 8700k CPU 128mem 1080 GPU, so why is it running like its on a DX386?
kmanstudios 1,120
Here is an idea: If there is a way to make a model of the inside (Say copy and remove outside edges) that fits well, you can go to ;Per model setting-->Mesh Type--> Click on the button that defaults to Normal model and choose something to keep it from printing. It is there to prevent supports from printing inside and that is all it is there for.
But, then also choose "Select Settings" below that and navigate to the 'generate support', click the box and click ok.
Then, leave it unchecked. I do this to keep areas from getting any support. So far, the most successful ops for me is to go the extra mile and choose the same settings for the other model(s) and check them to generate supports. Go to your support settings, make all adjustments and then turn it off. The models with the support settings will still get the information from the support settings even if globally turned off.
This is a pic of a model that I did this with to save on PVA. I made a scaffold to go under my model. Gave the scaffold the lowest settings possible....no infill, 1 wall and minimal top and bottom. It is not made to look pretty. It just has to have enough there for the PVA to build on. Really saves money because that PVA is expensive.
This is a recent model and how it sliced using the technique explained above.
This is how a recent print managed the same process.
The Allosaurus went from back, bottom left corner to top, forward corner maxing out the S5 build area. Scaffold looks crappy, but it supported the PVA and looked good when cleaned. I threw the TPLA scaffold away. It is cheaper than the PVA and saved a ton of it for this print.
And held the detail of all the parts. So, no shifting or anything bad. Just make sure the scaffold is based well enough to not break or topple over.
Explore the per model settings. They are really nice and offer a lot of great savings as well as other neat tricks.
Kudos to @bagel-orb and @ahoeben for such nifty and strong tools. ?
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Dim3nsioneer 558
I recommend to use the support blocker.
What you refer to as "inside" is still "outside" for Cura as it seems to be a cavity with a hole at the bottom.
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