Note that the checksum thing only happens when printing over USB. No checksum is involved in getting gcode data from the sdcard into the printer.
@maxdd, how do you print? From sdcard or over USB? If the former, try a different card. If the latter, try printing from sdcard.
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gr5 2,295
gcodes have a checksum apparently and if a bad checksum gets to the arduino it requests the same gcode again but the checksum is only 8 bits and once every 256 times the checksum passes even though the gcode has some bad bits.
The problem can be in the SD Card reader (mine had a hair and blowing that out fixed things a lot). Or it can be the SD Card itself (try a different one) or it can be in the cabling between card reader and main board.
If you haven't moved that cable or taken the covers off around when this started happening I'd concentrate on the SD card reader and the SD Card.
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