Also stay at least a half meter away from the printer. Just touching the glass will mess up leveling and being 2 cm away can mess it up. Other electronics within an inch of the printer can mess this up.
However usually these things mess it up the other way - it never gets to the glass before it thinks it does.
I've never seen this particular situation. Even with a broken wire in the head going to the leveling sensor.
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Dim3nsioneer 558
When you open the front bracket of the print head you can see the capacitive sensor at the back of the bottom. A red and a white wire are connected to it. Make sure both wire ends sit in their connector. If they are, please contact your reseller for further assistance.
While you have the bracket open you also could make sure the silicon pad is properly seated there; it seems to me that it is not.
Finally I would recommend to check the belt tension. The rear belt is more or sell a slack line. For getting a proper tension, open the set screws of the two corresponding pulleys and move the print head about five times back and forth in this direction. Then tighten the screws of the pulleys again while making sure the axes those pulleys run on do not have lateral play.
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