Hi Smithy
Thanks for quick response, unfortunately we can't get rid of IE, as that is the only allowed browse due to various regulations. It is for internal website. Is there no other way, we can show the streaming in a web application?
Hi Smithy
Thanks for quick response, unfortunately we can't get rid of IE, as that is the only allowed browse due to various regulations. It is for internal website. Is there no other way, we can show the streaming in a web application?
Have you tried using an IMG tag instead of a VIDEO tag?
<img src="http://yourprinteraddress:8080/?action=stream" />
Hi ahoeben
Thanks for the suggestion. it works in Chrome. But not in IE, do you have any ideas how to make it work in IE?
I think when you are not able with the IE browser to view the stream directly with this url
then any integration into a website will also fail. The problem is not the integration in a website, the problem is, that IE cannot handle the stream itself.
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Smithy 1,146
You could try to run it in an iframe, not nice, but should work.
But this will not solve your problem, that the video is not running in your IE. If it the normal video stream is not running in IE, then it will also not run in an iframe.
Any chance you can get rid of the IE ? I mean nowadays a lot of things are not running fine in IE or making problems, but I know many companies still stick to the IE browser for whatever reason.
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