Dimafix Spray gives very good adhesion, so you could give it a try.
I have a GRM glass heatbed on my CubeX/Duet conversion. I use Kapton tape 8"wide. I apply it like window tint with glass cleaner and a squeegee. I let it set for a couple of hours before use. I then use a glue stick. EVERYTHING sticks, yes even ABS. To remove the part I spray a bit of glass cleaner around the base and the part comes right off. The kapton tape is good for a bunch of prints if you move them around the build platform.
As a side note. I was all set to purchase a S5 until I read the comments on this forum. Not sure what to do now. I have 2 CubeX/Duet printers that are just getting tired (still creating great prints with Simp3D) I'm looking for a change.
9 hours ago, joestefano said:As a side note. I was all set to purchase a S5 until I read the comments on this forum. Not sure what to do now.
I have no problems at all with my S5.
Great to hear Smithy, I also have a Form 2 and there was alot of negative comments on that printer as well from just a limited few. I have had nothing but great prints. Just want to cover my bases.
22 hours ago, Labern said:Nylon Actually prints very well on the S5 and a lot better than ABS.
Are you saying that when it's doing the bed probing it going through the adhesion sheets and making a hole?
Not on mine. Nylon was not even close to sticking.
And yes, it does the surface probing hot and goes through the sheet. If it did it cold or just did not do it, I'd be golden. I've used the same sheets on much cheaper printers with manual leveling and it working 100% of the time.
I will try Dimafix.
The printer is good but it is not magical. ABS does not stick to glass easily. Anyone who says otherwise has either not tried it or not tried a large enough item.
My problem is that it does not give me the option to help it stick.
7 hours ago, joestefano said:Great to hear Smithy, I also have a Form 2 and there was alot of negative comments on that printer as well from just a limited few. I have had nothing but great prints. Just want to cover my bases.
The printer is great and has no issues with printing. There are a few minor issue people complain about, like you cannot turn off the lights, just dim, but in my case it doesn't hurt me.
But yes there is also no magic, just a good printer with a big build volume which works.
6 hours ago, evan_bas said:The printer is good but it is not magical. ABS does not stick to glass easily. Anyone who says otherwise has either not tried it or not tried a large enough item.
My problem is that it does not give me the option to help it stick.
That ABS don't stick to the glass is a problem you have with every printer which has a glass bed. But you have a lot of possibilities to increase the adhesion like Dimafix or whatever.
I see this as an advantage because compared with Zortrax for example, there you have this bed with the holes in it which should give ABS a good adhesion. Yes, but the downside is, you have always use a raft if you want or not.
Again, I did not expect it to stick. It is a pretty good printer but not magical!
I just need it to surface probe with a cold nozzle, so my bed sheet that works 100% of the time can be used.
That is interesting and probably a bug in the firmware because UM sells adhesion sheets also for the S5, so it is supported and should work. Personally, I haven't tried the adhesion sheets on my S5 yet, only on the UM3 and there it is working as expected.
And I don't think the S5 sheets are more resistant to heat, they will have just another format to fit the glass.
I hope that this "bug" (if it is a bug) will not come to the UM3 also when the new firmware will be available.
I use adhesion sheets on mine and its no issue. Maybe you have a sensor issue and should contact your reseller.
The reason it probes with a hot nozzle is in case there is a bit of losing that has gone hard and sticks out, it will level your bed at the wrong height. The hot nozzle should melt through your adhesion sheet but if its pressing though it then the sensor in the print head isnt detecting the change in values.
Are you running the latest firmware.
Are you using Ultimaker Nylon? What form of adhesion are you using for nylon?
I got the CC 0.6 nozzle for my s5 and have tried (unsuccessfully) to print a modest shape using NylonX. No matter what I try (glue stick in multiple patterns) or hair spray (or both), I can't get it to stick to the bed. I have tried with settings from 255-260 on the hot end to 60-75 on the bed. I have also turned off all cooling fans.
I am not familiar with Dimafix, but I am desperate to get something that is reliable. I have printed successfully with Ultimaker ABS and the AA cores. No luck so far with the CC core and NylonX
UPDATE: I just ordered Ultimaker adhesion sheets. I have never tried them before. We'll see how that goes.
Edited by chuckmcgeeI got good results with ABS & ASA and UM adhesions sheets and have also good experiences with Dimafix spray. But I haven't tried it with NylonX so just with ABS/ASA/PETG/PP.
Dimafix is nice because it is like hairspray but only sticks when the bed is heated. The cold bed has nearly zero adhesion, so it comes off easily.
It goes through the adhesion sheet and says something like unexpected nozzle travel.
I can restart and let it go through and probe the glass instead but I don't know if I can make it print above the glass surface afterwards.
Will order the Ultimaker sheets.
Also do you guys know if there is an option to make a raft out of PVA and print ABS/Nylon on top?
My stratasys does a similar thing and it always sticks.
EDIT: Forced the part 0.4mm off the bed, now it'll do 1 layer of PVA underneath. Crossing my fingers.
Edited by evan_basYes you can set the extruder which should print the raft -> "Build Plate Adhesion Extruder"
On 11/17/2018 at 12:07 AM, joestefano said:Great to hear Smithy, I also have a Form 2 and there was alot of negative comments on that printer as well from just a limited few. I have had nothing but great prints. Just want to cover my bases.
Thank you for your responses. What is it exactly what you read which makes you reconsider? Perhaps we can help by providing either perspective, context or help. Looking forward hearing from you! (feel free to create a new topic for this).
On 11/15/2018 at 4:50 PM, evan_bas said:I bought an s5 recently and i'm having issues with bed adhesion.
ABS is not sticking to the glass(did not expect it to anyway), even with massive amounts of glue stick.
I tried putting on adhesive sheets, which I've had great luck with in the past.
For some reason, the S5 does the surface probing with a hot nozzle and it goes through the plastic and errors out.
Any ideas? I was planning on printing nylon and if it can't print ABS, nylon has no chance.
I have been printing with solely ABS for quite some time now. I used an ABS/Acetone mixture which gave great surface adhesion for ABS prints but was messy to deal with. I just recently discovered PEI Sheets which are a special plastic that gains adhesion properties when it is heated. Since I installed it onto my ultimaker 2+ glass plate I have had 0 adhesion problems using ABS and all you have to do before every print is wipe it with an alcohol pad. Best method by far and can find installation videos on youtube. Here is a link for where I bought my PEI sheet. Also, to get the best enclosed heating for an Ultimaker 2+ I suggest getting the front cover through ultimaker and use a large cardboard box to cover the top. P.S. when using an enclosed heating space for ABS I highly suggest turning your fans on to 20%
@sfeldman Thanks four your input, but don't post your experiences with the PEI sheet in every thread you can find. One post is usually enough. Thanks!
I tried to delete them but I don't see an option. Just trying to spread the word. Didn't see anyone in any thread talking about it.
On 11/21/2018 at 7:26 PM, sfeldman said:I tried to delete them but I don't see an option. Just trying to spread the word. Didn't see anyone in any thread talking about it.
In that case, one could argue the most obvious thing to do would be to create your own thread. You can do so via this link, or via the button found at the top of most pages. Please refrain from pasting the same reply under various threads in the future, thank you for understanding.
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Labern 775
Nylon Actually prints very well on the S5 and a lot better than ABS.
Are you saying that when it's doing the bed probing it going through the adhesion sheets and making a hole?
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