What about the indicators that flip from blue to pink at a certain moisture level? These seem to be quite stable, until the stuff gets defect and becomes yellow-brown instead of blue/pink. But I have no idea at which level they flip over, nor what the hysteresis is, if any...
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Smithy 1,146
Humidity meters are always problematic, especially the digital ones. I store a lot of cigars in 3 humidors and have tried many of them. Ok, for a humidor you need a much more accurate measurement, but the meters I have tried differ up to 10% from each other. Best and most accurate are analog hair meters, but they need regular calibration and are not cheap.
And most humidity meters are just accurate within a specific range, and outside of this range, they show some phantasie values. Most meters are made for typical living room conditions.
I store my sensitive filament in single Lock & Lock boxes and just put one or two 20g silica gel packs into the box, without a humidity meter. I also thought to buy some cheap meters which are roughly working, but due to your experience, I should overthink it again.
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