I don't know about the procedure, so I won't comment on that.
Have you tried loosening all frame-screws (not removing, just set loose) and realign everything, and then fix them again? If there would not be too much permanent deformations in the panels, this might work? (Maybe except for the top panel, which seems deformed.) The assembly manual should give info on how to align things, I guess?
After that, I think you also need to inspect the rods carefully: when *manually* rotating them, do they move smoothly without wobbling, and without getting stuck? (Don't force anything if it doesn't move smoothly and easily.)
Also, test if the electronics, motors, heaters and display still work? Manually heat up nozzle and bed, and "move material" to test the feeder?
Good luck.
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Smithy 1,146
Best is to contact your reseller, where you also can get all the spare parts you need. Ultimaker itself doesn't sell directly. You can check the Ultimaker website to find the nearest reseller in your country.
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fbrc8-erin 311
I second what Smithy said. Would it help if we could see your pictures? I can't seem to get them to display.
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paps 0
Thanks for the replies! I'm attaching the pictures separately.
Fortunately, there are two resellers in my country (Cyprus). I'm curious how the process works though, as I don't expect the resellers to stock parts like a housing frame. For instance, do I contact and request the parts and in turn they order the parts from Ultimaker? I'm wondering whether you guys have any insight on how the process works...thanks.
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