M221 sets the flow rate I beleive so this would be trivial. There already is a plugin that lets you insert gcodes at a particular layer - just add the M221 command. Although most of the plugins broke when cura changed the move commands to G1 and G0 instead of ... just G1 maybe? Or you can insert the M221 command by hand with a text editor:
M221 S90 ;set flow to 90%
Regarding antenna - it's not clear to me that flow rate needs to be changed here. If your antennae's look "melted" or overextruded it's actually common - it's caused because it's printing them too fast and not letting the layer below cool. In Cura make sure:
advanced/cool/minimal layer time: 7 (at least 5 seconds here)
expert/cool/minimum speed: 0 (this is probably your problem - this defaults to a bad value and should be zero)
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nick-foley 5
There is a plugin that (indirectly) accomplishes this by gradually reducing the temperature across a Z range.
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