DivingDuck 105
I see these differences for my prints too. My latest print logs showing differences between 4% and 47% depending on complexity, size and count of parts for a a print job. Smaller parts tends to have huger variations than bigger ones. On an average the differences are around 25%, whatever this mean. In the end I add approximately 35% for non small items and parts with more than 20% infill as estimate and feel happy if I'm below this estimate 🙂.
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Smithy 1,146
I have no solution but have seen similar issues. I printed several small parts at once and Cura estimated a print time of 3 hours. Actually, it tool more than 8 hours 🙂 So I guess it also depends on the object itself, some print jobs are more accurate than others. Normally when I print a single model, the estimation is ok more or less, but if it is off for a few minutes I would not notice it.
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