Thanks! I am using 75 for bed temp which was chosen mainly by adhesion. I set the nozzle distance of the first layer by reducing Z until I had a good solid first layer. I reduced bed temp until I could get the print off without destroying the bed (when cold).
I found that nozzle temp didn't appear too sensitive and I could go down to around 240 without getting issues but chose 260 for better inter layer adhesion in models that have no overhang. I also use 0 fan.
Could you please explain why you are using 0.5/0.6 for line width?
As I said, I suspect some over extrusion but I am puzzled why it would only occur in long lines with shorter sections being perfect.
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burtoogle 516
Hi @jens3, I don't have any real good answer but I do know that if I am overextruding then I see ripples like that. It most often occurs on the first layer when the nozzle is too close to the bed. I don't normally see it for higher layers. Maybe the whole print is too hot, what bed temp are you using? I have found with PETG that you tend to get worse problems of filament sticking to the nozzle when really hot so now I am using a bed temp of 60, a first layer temp of 240 and then 230 for the rest. That's with a 0.4 nozzle and lines either 0.5 (walls) or 0.6 (infill). Finally, unless the object being printed has fine details, I normally use 0 fan to keep the strength up. Hope this helps.
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