Something is definitely wrong. But I don't know what.
By the way, when you post a topic, do you click "follow this topic" at the top or will my post never get read?
Watching your earlier videos of the squeaking bowden I noticed your extruder appeared to be spinning AMAZINGLY fast. I'm surprised it works at all at that speed. There was a bug in Marlin that kept you from going over 20mm/sec in the extruder drive and that bug is in the version that comes with Cura. Or it did up until recently. The bug was fixed about 6 months ago and if you built with ginge's builder or if the latest cura has the bug fixed then maybe that explains your video. Anyway, people are recommending a max extruder speed of 25mm/sec. I put that in my firmware so I don't have to worry about it although in Cura it defaults to 40mm/sec. I would go into Cura and change it to 20 or 25mm/sec.
This one thing may fix all those blobs. Don't know. But I can tell you for sure that you shouldn't have all of those on such a simple print.
And it's not the temperature.
It could certainly be the print speed. Try 50mm/sec as Ian suggested.
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ian 32
mmm interesting print.. cool model !
i think... printing maybe a little to hot... 190 to 200 should be fine..
Also lots of collecting, fan upto 200 or full speed 255.
Also try bringing the flow down just a tiny bit.. maybe 98 percent...
Also print about speed 50.
Those are the kinda goldenn numbers I use to get my really high res prints... hope they help.
this is a nice model and worth a second try I think ?
Also for infill.. 20 percent would be more than enough.. never 100 percent...
Ian :-)
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