Thanks! Great! Didn't know about that alternate view. It helped a bunch. Although, it doesn't have all of the states. For example, there seems to be no listing for "pause_source" or the history event IDs. I was able to dig through the griffin source and find some more of them.
I have found a bug in the camera API and I think that the line in interfaces/html/ that is
camera = Camera(self.__camera_service, api_v1)
should be
camera = Camera(self.__camera_service, "camera", api_v1)
since otherwise it uses api_v1 as the "local_path" for the HTTPExposedItem and has no parent. I will be testing this out soon.
Digging through the Griffin source I was also able to answer my question about the only maintenance events (type id 4) are post-able to /history/events. Still working on the remaining questions:
- Things that are listed with a PUT but are not settable
- The response of the /auth/check/{id} command
- Connecting to a hidden command
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nallath 1,125
All of these states are described in the swagger API documentation http://{printer-ip}/docs/api
When checking one of the endpoints, press the "model" tab (right next to the example tab)
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