Thank you for your help, gr5!
"retract on layer change" was turned off already. I tried your suggestion varying the feedrate while printing and it turns out the ripples dissappear when tunring it down to 25%. At 50% they still appear. While this is good news, it also dramatically increases my printing times.
With my Speeds set around 25 mm/s, printing time was 40 Minutes for 5g of filament. Turned down to 25% its 2 h 30 minutes. Since I will have to print around 500g of filament to finish my project I am wondering if there is something else I could try.
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gr5 2,294
Those ripples in the photo at left are underextruding. And it's over extruding I think on that left corner. What is happening is the printer slows down a lot for that corner and stops briefly and overextrudes then it slides to the right but it takes a while for the extruder to catch up and stabilize again.
Make sure "retract on layer change" is turned off. Try printing much slower. That way the speed change will be less dramatic at the corner versus the wall - try printing 1/2 speed - see how much that helps.
Most printers let you vary the "feedrate %" on the fly so you can try 5 layers at 100% and then 5 layers at 50% speed and 5 layers at 25% speed and experiment on this one part.
And again - make sure "retract on layer change" is off.
Also I recommend all printing speeds are the same and travel speed is super fast (like 200mm/s). So make sure infill speeds, wall speeds are the same. Speed changes cause over and underextrusion as well (speed up and it underextrudes, slow down and it overextrudes).
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