I bought a geeetech 3d wifi module thinking it might plug into the printer when I get it for wifi printing from tablet etc,but nobody I've talked knows if that would work. The sellers of it said it would.So we,all wait and see.
tinkergnome 927
4 hours ago, budgie14 said:I bought a geeetech 3d wifi module thinking it might plug into the printer when I get it for wifi printing from tablet etc
Well, that's a different thing than Octoprint.
It will connect the printer to the Geeetech cloud and uses an Android / iOS app to control basic functions of the printer.
You can print objects from the cloud gallery, but you can't upload your own gcode files (as far as i can see). If this is what you want and expect - it should work fine.
I appreciate all yr advice.one last question.do printers get many firmware/software updates? If an update is available.how do you update the printer.usb or SD card?
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Smithy 1,145
Both are for different usages. The Raspberry is a small computer, running Linux OS. The Arduino is a micro controller. So it depends on the usage which one should be used.
For 3D printing, users often uses a Raspberry to use the software Octoprint (or OctoPi) which is a front end for 3D printers. So you can send files over the network, set several setting via a webinterface and so on. It is often more comfortable to use just a network connection and the webinterface, but you can do most things also directly at the printer and transfer the files via SD card or USB connection.
When you read about 3D printing and Arduino, then they mean the controller of the printer itself, which is often an Arduino. Means that the stepper motors, and so on are controlled by the Arduino, like a mainboard on a computer.
My suggestion is to start in the beginning just with the printer, get familiar with it, learn how things are working and playing together. If it is annoying for you to use a SD card and you want to send files via network, then buy a Raspberry and install OctoPi which is also available as a ready to use image.
You will never need an Arduino for your Ender.
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