2 minutes ago, Dim3nsioneer said:Have you tried a factory reset yet?
Yes and a firmware reset as my machine bricked itself after the latest update!!
2 minutes ago, Dim3nsioneer said:Have you tried a factory reset yet?
Yes and a firmware reset as my machine bricked itself after the latest update!!
Any help anyone?
I was told that as my product-id on the machine is 0 i need to login in via SSH in dev mode to set that properly.
I have done it but the SSH keeps giving me this error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/ulti_installer/configure_eeprom.py", line 24, in <module>
eeprom = EEPROM()
File "/ulti_installer/eeprom.py", line 22, in __init__
self.__mac = binascii.hexlify(f.read(6)).decode('ascii')
TimeoutError: [Errno 110] Connection timed out
Can someone help? I need to use the machine for a project which i am already late on.
Edited by neo-ninja
22 hours ago, neo-ninja said:I have done it but the SSH keeps giving me this error
There's an older topic with the same error message, but i don't know how it was solved:
Thank you. I'm feeling really let down by Ultimaker Team sadly. My printer was working fine before the update now it's screwed...
On 6/15/2019 at 2:31 PM, neo-ninja said:I'm feeling really let down by Ultimaker Team sadly.
This forum is here for users to help other users. Occasionally Ultimaker employees monitor these forums but they do this in their own time so don't be disappointed when response time is slow. The official Ultimaker support is provided by your reseller and regional distributor.
The traceback error you reported here is something I've never seen before. It indicates that the processor can't read the eeprom chip where the product-id and MAC address are stored. The only reason for this failing that I can think of is that the eeprom chip is broken. Perhaps this happened when you opened the printer to insert the SD card for the software downgrade.
Contact your local reseller / distributor. They will have to replace the Olimex CPU board.
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Dim3nsioneer 558
Have you tried a factory reset yet?
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