OK, so that confirms that the little lines are being generated by the fill gaps between walls feature. Try mine, it works a lot better for most prints. You can install my builds alongside the official releases, they won't conflict.
- 1
OK, so that confirms that the little lines are being generated by the fill gaps between walls feature. Try mine, it works a lot better for most prints. You can install my builds alongside the official releases, they won't conflict.
38 minutes ago, burtoogle said:Try mine, it works a lot better for most prints.
Those versions you linked to on dropbox were created by smartavionics, right burtoogle?
1 hour ago, gr5 said:Those versions you linked to on dropbox were created by smartavionics, right burtoogle?
That's true, but it's cool, burtoogle === smartavionics.
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burtoogle 516
Hello @abbrowna, that looks like the wall gap filling and not skin. The way to tell is to set Fill Gaps Between Walls to Nowhere and that should make it go away. The wall gap filling Cura is pretty broken (along with the thin walls printing). I have a Cura build that provides a different implementation of those features and it may well work better. If you wish to try it, my builds can be found at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s43vqzmi4d2bqe2/AAADdYdSu9iwcKa0Knqgurm4a?dl=0
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abbrowna 0
Thanks @burtoogle , that definitely changed something, only now it seems where there was wall gap fill Cura leaves it empty. Thanks for the link too, I'll take a look.
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