Getting the same issue. Plugin need to be updated to support 4.2?
A version of the OctoPrint Connection plugin compatible with Cura 4.2 is awaiting review. In the mean time you can download it here:
Download the file and drop it in a running Cura application.
I downloaded the file as suggested but where do I drop it. I am confused as to your directions.
I downloaded the file as indicated but as far as the instructions "drop it in a running Cura application" this is confusing as I do not know where to drop it. Can you please be more specific.
Nvmind, I figured it out.
Thanks, works fine now.
Working now 😉
Big Thanks😉
Can someone outline the "drop" process? If I drag it to an open Cura, Cura says it cannot open files of that filetype /path/XXXX.curapackage
What am I missing here?
On 7/31/2019 at 4:51 AM, Sparrz1 said:Nvmind, I figured it out.
Can you elaborate on what you did? I've tried to drag this into my open Cura application. I get an error that Cura can't open the .curapackage file.
I`ve got same problem -
4.0 cura - everything is fine
4.2 & 4.2.1 - plugin intalls from marketplace and no "connect to octoprint" button appears
And dragging curapackage file to cura do nothing but "This package will be installed after restarting"
I am having the same issue. after dropping the file the message" this package will be installed after restating" but there is not button to connect.
Here's a new version for Cura 4.2.1
Download the file and drop it onto a running Cura 4.2 application window. Then restart Cura.
The update is available on the Marketplace now. No need to use the curapackage anymore.
Thank you!
Hi there! Just today I could connect to read and respond .. Thanks for the answers ... I will download the new appimage and try. Regards!
I have the 4.2.1 and the latest Octoprint plugin. However, when I print, it no longer allows me to cancel a job from the MONITOR screen like it used to. Please advise!
What happens when you press Cancel?
There was no "cancel". It is as if it "queue'd" the job or lost connection. I had to use the web version to cancel the print.
Note that on my Creality 10 5s, it had me download a new version of the plugin and it now monitors and allows me to Abort Print. The real victory here is that I can actually PRINT on this device. Upgrading to Cura 4.2.1 has cost me considerable time troubleshooting (oops). I thought it was the PI, and rebuilt it, cleared Cura completely and reinstalled EVERYTHING (including plugins) until I found your comment about the new fix for 4.2.1. By the way... I LOVE the plugin, etc. Nice work! I think my problem was changing "too many things" at a time (new printer, new Cura, new PI, etc). I will test this with my Ender 3 and that PI to see if it still works there, but I want to finish my first actual print job on the 10 first (I know I can start another Cura... but with my luck this week, I'll wait!)
Thanks for the response and great coding efforts. (btw... I looked a your website..... I think I might have something you'll like.... We can talk offline if you like)
Edited by 3in1frameNote that the new Octoprint fixed the above issue.
However, I have a NEW issue. When using the new PLUGIN and the PI, I get a KILLED message on the screen of the Creality and a HALTED message from Cura. If I print via USB I dont' get this. Any ideas? If you tell me where to get "logs" or anything that can help, I would be happy to do so.
How about if you manually upload and print the gcode file via the browser interface? I would like to know if it is my plugin, or OctoPrint itself.
On 8/10/2019 at 1:37 AM, ahoeben said:How about if you manually upload and print the gcode file via the browser interface? I would like to know if it is my plugin, or OctoPrint itself.
Well, I tried this and didn't even get that far. Pressing CONNECT in Octoprint caused the errors. I will try it again in "safe mode" when I get a chance. However, I would think it's Octoprint and have listed the issue on their website.
Ok, if the web interface won't work, then neither will the OctoPrint Connection plugin in Cura.
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trampi3 0
4.2 of the Windows version has the same issue.
Thank you!
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