Check the web every 10 minuetes for next two weeks...
Any news its starting the shipments.....someone get the shipment mail....cant wait...!!!
:-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P
Salut,ma commande expédier de igo3D allemagne ,lundi 21 octobre.Il faut attendre la livraison.trop cool
Its in the post thanks Ultimaker.
DHL came by today to pick up the first batch of Ultimaker 2's!
Wow, exciting moment. Great to finally see them go.
I am curious to hear everyone's first, second and third impression
Also, check out the new and this
Congrats, Sander! That's awesome news for you guys, and the community as a whole. Not least the fact that you shipped the new printers when you said you would - that's a rarity in this industry, as many of us who have ever strayed from the path of The One True Printer can attest!!
I bet you guys will sleep easy tonight hehe.
Cool photo!!! If my order page says nothing about shipped, I am guessing that my machine was not in the first batch??? Or?
I bet you guys will sleep easy tonight hehe.
Actually, I don't think we will till the first reviews tickle in.
Congrats, Sander! That's awesome news for you guys, and the community as a whole. Not least the fact that you shipped the new printers when you said you would - that's a rarity in this industry, as many of us who have ever strayed from the path of The One True Printer can attest!!
We did everything in our power to reach this deadline. Everyone pulled in extra work to get it done in time and properly.
Did you secure the rods somehow for transport? Otherwise you should make a video on how to get them back without bending them. We used a clamp together with care and proper distance metal pieces and rubber because during shipment our y rod had slipped out of the "c block" and needed a lot of force to get put back into place.
I guess this is a test you might not have done...ship it across the world and back to yourselves
I love the machine itself, we demoed it on TEDx Stockholm earlier tonight:
Its in the post thanks Ultimaker.
Ok so now i am confused. I got an email 4 pm uk timeon monday to say my order had shipped. I must have pressed the tracking button a million times but get no results. I put a ticket in last night and this morning received an email from Marrit to say that my order has shipped and the tracking number has changed.
Question - when a ticket is resolved do you get the ticket number quoted somewhere in the response? I do hope this is not UM stating that my UM2 has only just shipped as thats what it sounds like.
Ok so now i am confused. I got an email 4 pm uk timeon monday to say my order had shipped. I must have pressed the tracking button a million times but get no results. I put a ticket in last night and this morning received an email from Marrit to say that my order has shipped and the tracking number has changed.
Question - when a ticket is resolved do you get the ticket number quoted somewhere in the response? I do hope this is not UM stating that my UM2 has only just shipped as thats what it sounds like.
Just to give a timeline idea, when did you order?
Hello NachoKaoS,
I believe my order went through on the 25th sept but i had trouble with the payment.
When did you first place your order?
Looks so far from me i try to place the 4 th Oct but cant untill upgrade My crédit card limits at 7 Oct,need a few trucks of DHL on front...;(
Well,... I ordered september 20th around 10-11am Belgium time (about 12 hours before the announcement speach) Had no issues with payement and got confirmation message from Paypall just a few minutes later. It must have been one of the first UM2 orders since the new site was just online.
Since then,........still waiting with shipping status ready. Is the queue a queue ?
I'm in the same boat as you Christian. I ordered my UM2 on september 20th around 4 pm (Swiss time). I also paid with PayPal through iDeal (the other option was buggy and didn't work for me) and got a prompt transaction confirmation from PayPal (minutes from payment). But on the UM site i remember that the payment state was still on "Balance due" or something similar for several hours or even a day after payment and only changed afterwards to "Paid". Since then i'm on "Complete", "Paid" and "Ready" and eagerly awaiting the shipment confirmation. I too hoped that i'm one of the very early buyers and my UM2 would be shipped this week but apparently a lot of people ordered early and of course a lot of UM2's are probably going straight to some local distributors.
So i'm still being patient but i feel the charcoal i'm sitting on getting hotter .
Best regards
I could understand some stock going to a distributor but when i asked Imakr if they would be stocking the UM2 on the 25th the said its something they would probably look into in the future. So how come i can order one from imakr and have it delivered tomorrow? Did they queue jump?
Ok so now i am confused. I got an email 4 pm uk timeon monday to say my order had shipped. I must have pressed the tracking button a million times but get no results. I put a ticket in last night and this morning received an email from Marrit to say that my order has shipped and the tracking number has changed.Question - when a ticket is resolved do you get the ticket number quoted somewhere in the response? I do hope this is not UM stating that my UM2 has only just shipped as thats what it sounds like.
Looks like my suspicions were correct just checked my new tracking number and it appears to be on the move:) Disappointed that I was lead to believe this was the case on Monday. So if you get an email and your account says shipped then don't start jumping for joy just yet.
Tracking numbers get emailed once we add them to the package, however, they are available from the moment the package is entered in the system at DHL. It's not usual for this to take a day or so. (If you order a lot from the internet you'll notice this is quite common. I also get tracking numbers from china that never seem to work...)
My English is very bad, I have a little trouble understanding you Daid :(
I think you mean we have more information once the package in the hands of DHL. If this is the case, it is clear that one can be sure of the list. Especially if DHL organizes his tours fondtion deliveries.
There is high chance that tonight in order Country> Capitals> Provainces> Residences.
Moreover, it deprives us of information until the next level.
Thank you.
So its friday 25 it is not shipped yet and its 17:00 pm so nothing goes to ship untill monday at least .... And its no notice big shipment for this week after monday we must still cry...;(
Yes, that's quite right ...
But a day will come very soon, where it will be our turn!
You say, as I always say, others have ordered later than October 21, and after that we will
We have remained patient.
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Yes, that's the plan.
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