To see the brim make sure you are in color scheme "line type" and make sure "helpers" checkbox is checked.
As far as extrusion - this is a complicated issue and feeder issues can look like nozzle clogs - it's hard to tell the difference. Ask people about your printer on a forum for your particular printer (or on facebook, or reddit). For example Prusa printers have their own forum. Ultimaker printers have this forum.
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Smithy 1,146
When you already have cleaned your nozzle, but still have extrusion issues, then I guess there is something wrong with the feeder. Check if the filament is needed properly or if the gears in the feeder slips and don't push the filament forward. Another possibility is, that your filament is tangled on the spool and cannot be unwinded during printing.
Which printer do you have?
Regarding the brim, I have currently no idea, but it can help to upload the Cura project file here. Save it as project, then we have all the settings you use.
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