USB printing with the UM2 is not officially supported, it's not something we developed into the details and it's something that we had lots of issues with so we decided to do SD printing only.
(If you do want to print with USB, you'll have to switch to "RepRap" gcode-flavor in the machine settings instead of UltiGCode. But you might experience connection problems)
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ian 32
im guessing David will get on this question pritty fast this morning..
the only thing i can think of is. did your usb cable come loose and maybe interupt the data at the end of print... confusing the printer ?... or maybe the usb cable is too long and the data... screwed up ?
you can show us your 3d model. put it on youmagine and we can have a look for you... maybe there is something weird there..
cant imagine there is no home command after a completed print with an ultimaker2.
Ian :-)
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