Here's the 3mf file, sorry it took a while I had a few days in a row where I had no time to do this.CFFFP_whistle insane quality.3mf
Hi, thanks for the file. Using the no-skin combing mode should avoid any un-retracted travels over air.
This model is difficult to print well as it is because it has a curved wall on layer 88 that should be supported but it isn't recognised as a bridge because the individual line segments are shorter than the minimum bridge wall length. Even if you reduced the min bridge wall length it still wouldn't print well because bridge walls have to be straight lines, you can't have an unsupported curved line! The best solution would be if the model itself provided support which could be removed after printing.
In my experience white filaments (regardless of brand) string more. A lot more. I found this is true for PLA and also CPE. So my advice is to avoid very light colors like white and light yellow. Orange and other slightly darker colors seems to print fine without any stringing.
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burtoogle 516
Please save the project (File -> Save) and attach the .3mf file to this thread so we can see the settings you are using. Thanks.
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