price and spoolweight are not saved in the "fdm_material" file. so each time we import the file, we must provide price and weight again. is there a way to fix that problem ? thank you. have a nice day.
price and spoolweight are not saved in the "fdm_material" file. so each time we import the file, we must provide price and weight again. is there a way to fix that problem ? thank you. have a nice day.
Different brands and different resellers may have different prices for filaments. That’s why the price is not included in the xml file.
good point, but it would be useful to keep this information for the filaments that we already bought and thus be able to know the value of the printed parts. have a nice day.
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Enigma_M4 125
in the material-settings for each material, there are two entries for material cost and spool weight, which have to be filled for EACH material you are using. Cura then tells the length of filament on the specified spool and the cost per meter.
With these parameters set, the costing is displayed under the estimated print time.
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Laundryengineerng 0
Thank you, i have now found it.
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