Hi, I am having a similar issue except on my printer it goes through all the movements fine. I will start printing and when it reaches the 3rd layer the error happens. This only started a few days ago for me.
I just fixed the issue and Smithy was right! It was the cable in my case. The 2 wires(of 4 total of heater bed cable) that have the rubber wrap had a break in my case. The wire touched the other, but when moving this resulted in the error. I found out by checking the wires with a multi meter. For your case Standard drift if you have checked the Ultimaker support and followed the er02 advice by switching nozzle and heater bed cable to determine what is causing the error. In my case it had to be the cable, but could not believe this because the error was not happening when pulling the cables as I first suggested. You can order a new one at Makerpoint; 210000000681 Ultimaker Heated Bed Cable 1,0 € 13,00 21% € 13,00 Or weld it like I did and it works! Best regards
1 hour ago, TTion said:I just fixed the issue and Smithy was right!
Good to hear you fixed the issue, and thanks for the feedback.
1 hour ago, Standardrift said:Hi, I am having a similar issue except on my printer it goes through all the movements fine. I will start printing and when it reaches the 3rd layer the error happens.
Can you check these instructions: https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/19485-stopped-temp-sensor-bed
So you get also the BED TEMP Error?
I checked those instructions and the swap does what its supposed to. When I heat the nozzle I get the bed error. I am going to do what TTion did and completely take out the wires and inspect from the board to the plate and see if there is anything out of the ordinary.
Ok, then I guess it is also the cable.
I guess it was the wires. There was no breaks anywhere, but after disassembling the heatbed and reassembling it, it seems to be working no problem. Thanks for the help.
I would get a spare cable to be on the safe side, if it ever causes problems, it will come again.
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Smithy 1,146
Check the cable and connector at the print bed, I guess there is the problem. When you lift the bed, the bad wire has no connection anymore and the printer detects a failure in the bed temp sensor.
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TTion 0
Thank you for your advise but I do not think that is the issue here. I tested it like this -> when I lower the plate by hand (when UM is off, and the on again) the error is gone. Nozzle and build plate work OK and heat up fine. If I imitate the similar forces on the wires by hand as if it was moving the build plate itself, I can't repeat the issue that way. The issue exists during the rise moment and happens at random heights, so I think its not a loose wire. Could something else alter currency in system that results in the ER02 report?
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