I have changed the material to Generic and the printer has accepted the file so fingers crossed!!!!
Sure enough Smithy the filament was damaged which resulted in no feed. Thanks again for the advice.
If it is not working now, then something else is the problem.
Basically the material profiles are the same, so UM profiles have the same settings as the generic ones. But when you slice in Cura with UM profiles and send the job to the printer, the printer checks if the correct material is loaded, if not you get the warning message.
How can the printer know the material? When loading UM spools and you start the load procedure, the printer tries to detect the NFC tag on the UM spools, if this is not possible (non UM material, or the UM spool is not on the spool holder, or you put both spools at the same time on the spool holder) the printer comes up with the material selection menu and you have to select the material on your own. And when this happens you must select Generic profiles in Cura, even if there are UM spools loaded.
Here is some more information about the material profiles:
4 minutes ago, dupton said:the filament was damaged which resulted in no feed
I guess it is the PVA spool, right?
If so, your PVA is probably to wet and has already absorbed too much moisture. When you touch the filament, is it a little bit soft ans sticky?
You can dry your spool on the heated print bed. Heat up to 70° put the spool on the bed, put a towel over it and let it dry over night.
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Smithy 1,146
Are you using UM material spools and were they autodetected during loading or have you select manually the material from the printer menu? If you select it manually, because you are not using UM spools or the NFC was not detected, then you have to choose the Generic PLA und Generic PVA in Cura to avoid the message.
But anyway, your print should still work if you override the warning. There is no difference between the generic and UM profile. So if your print fails, there is another reason for it.
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dupton 2
Yes, I'm using UM material spools PLA BLACK on spool 1 and NATURAL PVA on spool 2. I took the spools off last weekend as recommended and stored them in a container. I didn't pay attention to the automatic detection. I went and loaded them manually because I had the following errors.
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