I don't use #mf files but Gcode-files and the one with the problem is in fact a Gcode-file ... but here you have the 3mf file of that same object.
Hi @ksor, thanks for the file. Unfortunately, that isn't a project file. Please do File->Save (not export). The .3mf should then contain both the model and the settings. Thanks.
9 hours ago, burtoogle said:Hi @ksor, thanks for the file. Unfortunately, that isn't a project file. Please do File->Save (not export). The .3mf should then contain both the model and the settings. Thanks.
I didn't export ... I just changed the file type of my Gcode and saved it ...
OK, now I know what you mean ... here it is !
In Cura I can count the layers in the surface and it IS 4 but the printer seems to make only 1 in the picture ... and I tried it 3 times !
Thanks for the project file. When I slice that there are definitely 4 skin layers top and bottom. I think the issue is that because you are using concentric skin, the lines all fall on top of each other and, for some reason, there are visible gaps because the skin lines don't cross like they do when using the lines or zig-zag skin patterns. Perhaps you are getting some under-extrusion and so increasing the flow by, say, 10% may be sufficient to fill the gaps?
No, I looked at the printing and it's ONLY printing 1 layer on the surface ... right on top of the infill - too I can brake the layer lines and I come directly into the "infill room" ...
Something else must be wrong here.
I can see that in my Cura slicer too but I see something else on the printed object
So it looks like Cura is slicing the model fine, look at your g-code to verify those layers are part of the file. If they exist in the file then it is probably a problem with your printer. If not then Cura is not saving the sliced data.
6 hours ago, Chuluney said:So it looks like Cura is slicing the model fine, look at your g-code to verify those layers are part of the file. If they exist in the file then it is probably a problem with your printer. If not then Cura is not saving the sliced data.
Oh, I feared that ... I'm not to analyzing G-code.
Could it be that the total thickness of the "material" = the problematic top layer+infill+buttum layer is (only) 2,2 mm and I have defined both top and buttom layer to be 2 mm each and made up of 4 layers each in my settings ?
I think I have to do some test prints of some smaller object and measure them carefully - something is wrong here !
35 minutes ago, ksor said:Could it be that the total thickness of the "material" = the problematic top layer+infill+buttum layer is (only) 2,2 mm and I have defined both top and buttom layer to be 2 mm each and made up of 4 layers each in my settings ?
Something doesn’t seem to add up here. What is your layer height? Normally you specify only one of thickness or number of layers for top/bottom. If your numbers are accurate, then it would seem your layer height would be 0.5 mm. What nozzle side are you printing with?
Anyway, if those numbers are accurate, the bottom would likely print its full 2mm and then it might add one top layer for an overall height of 2.5mm.
First Layer = 0,2mm else 0,12mm
I'm running with a 0,4mm nozzle
I think I have to check all these settings - wonder why I didn't see the problem in Cure 4.2.1 - I use the excact same profile here in Cura 4.3.0
I think updating to 4.3.0 messed up my profile ... most of the settings was NOT what I did set up in the 4.2.1 version !
I changed it and tried a test print and it looks very much better !
Thx for your advices all of you !
Some materials do not print well over gaps: instead of pulling a nice string, they snap and fold back into a blob on the nozzle, thus effectively printing nothing, and not closing the gap. That blob is then deposited on the next wall the printer encounters, causing a weird sort of "insect antennas". Could it be that you have this effect too? In addition to the fact that you are not printing diagonal lines over the gaps, but concentric lines, which have nothing to hold onto.
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burtoogle 516
Hello @ksor, please save the project (File -> Save) and attach the resulting .3mf file to this thread so we can check the settings. Thanks.
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