Sorry guys for the late reply. I was a bit busy with work. In attachment are files. Below is result, after I printed it. It seems like, that main problem is in outer shell / skin, because I can see often infill in these holes. On the bottom it is more visible and there are more errors as on top part. But I don't think so, that the problem is in thickness or amount of layers. IMG_20191023_200453
The photo of puzzle is very close to the one posted before. Sorry, that it is not exactly the one from attached file, however my little daughter put it somewhere :-).
Edit: I forgot about the printer and material. It is PLA (Creality) and printer is Anet E10
CCR10_1-leg.3mf CCR10_ml-n-optimize.3mf
Edited by Farrael-Sama
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johnse 31
Can you post a .3mf file for these parts (File Save, not Export).
this will wrap up the part and all the settings so folks can see what might be wrong.
Also, what printer, and what material are you using?
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