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Print Profiles not supported cura 4.4


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Posted (edited) · Print Profiles not supported cura 4.4

I've just upgraded from Cura 4.3 to cura 4.4 and found that my profiles have disapeared from the profile dropdown menu, they are still in the profile management list but all have "-not supported" as a suffix.


I've put a lot of time in to my print profiles and would be a bit upset to loose all my work, can anyone advise what can be done to restore my profiles?




Edited by RyanParle
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    Posted · Print Profiles not supported cura 4.4

    No worries, you didn't lose all your work. The not supported thing is added if your machine says it has quality profiles per variant / material, but it can't actually find one.


    So could you try switching material and / or nozzle?


    If that still doesn't work, could you share your configuration folder with me?

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    Posted · Print Profiles not supported cura 4.4

    Thanks, so yeah changing to another material (A PLA that I have added) repopulated the profiles in the dropdown menu, I now see that when I select other materials that I have added such as ST-PLA or PLA+ they are highlighted in orange when selected from the dropdown list. Is this simply happening because I have effectively created a new unrecognised material by adding them as ST-PLA & PLA+?


    How would I go about fixing this? should I simply re list these materials as PLA?


    Another thing I notice is that Cura seems to lock up for 5-10 seconds every time I either change between materials or print profiles, any idea what may cause this?



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    Posted · Print Profiles not supported cura 4.4

    And to add, some of my project files created in cura 4.3 all with a specific printer make cura crash, funny thing is the custom printer gets added before cura crashes. Did send the crash reports.



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    Posted · Print Profiles not supported cura 4.4
    6 hours ago, nyxaria said:

    Did you end up fixing this? Faced with the same issue when I add custom materials like PC-ABS and Nylon

    I just ended up using the generic pla as my base material. 

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    Posted (edited) · Print Profiles not supported cura 4.4
    18 hours ago, RyanParle said:

    I just ended up using the generic pla as my base material. 

    That is sad, but also what I have resorted to. At first I thought it was because these materials were 'excluded' from my printer, and I went into the definition files for creality ender 3 (located in Ultimaker Cura.app/Contents/Resources/resources/definitions/creality_base.def.json) and cleared the exclude_materials list. However, this did not solve it. Upon further research, it seems like it is because the custom material does not have a quality definition file in Cura. I will have to go down this rabbit hole next. I will let you know how this goes, for now, help from a moderator would be appreciated.

    Edited by nyxaria
    added info
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    Posted · Print Profiles not supported cura 4.4

    Alright, so I figured it out:


    basically, when you make a custom material (defined by the Material Type tag, ie PLA, or PETG), there are no qualities associated with that tag. What you need to do is create them for Cura to be able to slice with the custom material. These files are located in `/Applications/Ultimaker\ Cura.app/Contents/Resources/resources/quality`, and each printer has it's own sub-directory. For my printer (ender 3), it is `creality/base` so the full path is `/Applications/Ultimaker\ Cura.app/Contents/Resources/resources/quality/creality/base`.


    This folder has files like this:

    base_0.2_ABS_super.inst.cfg		base_0.4_PLA_super.inst.cfg
    base_0.2_ABS_ultra.inst.cfg		base_0.4_TPU_adaptive.inst.cfg
    base_0.2_PETG_super.inst.cfg		base_0.4_TPU_standard.inst.cfg
    base_0.2_PETG_ultra.inst.cfg		base_0.4_TPU_super.inst.cfg
    base_0.2_PLA_super.inst.cfg		base_0.5_ABS_adaptive.inst.cfg


    As you can see, each Nozzle diameter, and each quality (standard, super, adaptive, low, etc) has its own config file. When you use a tag such as PC-ABS in Cura material creation, there is no quality associated with it.453036472_Screenshot2019-12-29at18_06_00.thumb.png.4f46447df51a0bb6f9acab20c55f38c8.png


    Now, what we must do is create files for it!

    Here is a script I created that you run in terminal:


    cura_generate_material() {
      # check arg supplied
      if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] ; then
          echo 'Enter the material as first argument'
      # get the lower case of the material
      material=`echo "$1" | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]"`
      # navigate to root of quality files
      cd /Applications/Ultimaker\ Cura.app/Contents/Resources/resources/quality/
      # navigate to your printer-- in my case, ender3 AKA creality. This then has a
      # sub folder called 'base' that has all the definition files
      cd creality/base
      declare -a quality=("low" "standard" "adaptive" "super")
      ## now loop through the qualities array
      for quality in "${quality[@]}"
        echo "[general]
        version = 4
        name = Standard Quality
        definition = creality_base
        setting_version = 10
        type = quality
        quality_type = $quality
        material = generic_$material
        variant = 0.4mm Nozzle
        [values]" >> base_0.4_"$1"_"$quality".inst.cfg


    What it does is create these files that Cura looks up for the selected material. For example, I used it to generate the PC-ABS files like so:


    nyxaria@/Applications/Ultimaker Cura.app/Contents/Resources/resources/quality/creality/base$ cura_generate_material Nylon
    nyxaria@/Applications/Ultimaker Cura.app/Contents/Resources/resources/quality/creality/base$ ls | grep PC-ABS


    (grep is a filter for a key-word, in this case 'PC-ABS')


    As you can see, Cura now lets me select these materials! It was quite a lot of work for not having them all under 'PLA', but it was fun. Let me know if this was helpful. I have also attached the files I generated for the PC-ABS if you just want to copy them manually and edit each one. Note, inside the file the 'material' must be lower case, but in the file name it must be as typed, eg PC-ABS or Nylon.


    What you may also have to do is add a file into /Applications/Ultimaker Cura.app/Contents/Resources/resources/materials.

    In my case, I added the file generic_pc-abs.xml.fdm_material and did not add one for Nylon as one already exists in Cura by default. Not sure if this step is needed, but did not test without it!

    I have also attached generic_pc-abs.xml.fdm_material in the zip.




    enjoy ! 


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    Posted · Print Profiles not supported cura 4.4
    11 hours ago, nyxaria said:

    Alright, so I figured it out:


    basically, when you make a custom material (defined by the Material Type tag, ie PLA, or PETG), there are no qualities associated with that tag. What you need to do is create them for Cura to be able to slice with the custom material. These files are located in `/Applications/Ultimaker\ Cura.app/Contents/Resources/resources/quality`, and each printer has it's own sub-directory. For my printer (ender 3), it is `creality/base` so the full path is `/Applications/Ultimaker\ Cura.app/Contents/Resources/resources/quality/creality/base`.


    Great find! I'm hoping this might be the solution to a similar issue for me as well. I just posted my question a day or two ago and have not yet received a response, but this seems like it might be the same issue. With 3.6, the custom materials and profiles I created for eSun PLA+ (my preferred filament) were not accessible in 4.4.1 in the dropdown list. I manually recreated the materials and derived new profiles from the generic ones, hoping that would fix it, but still I cannot select profiles in the profile dropdown -- I can only activate the ones I created from the profile management dialog.


    I've created the PLA+ base files from the Creality base_0.2_PLA_xxx files, but they still don't show up for me in the dropdown. So in the materials folder I copied generic_pla_175.xml.fdm_material to esun_pla_175.xml.fdm_material and edited the metadata section to reflect the brand, material, and even generated a new GUID which I assumed was required. The material shows up in my material list under the eSUN brand as an un-editable generic, which is okay. And I can select custom materials from the top bar based on this new material.


    But still no new profiles show up in my dropdown, and no generic profiles at all show up in my Preferences dialog -- only the custom ones I had created. I'm so confused!


    This is a custom profile I had manually created after installing 4.4.1. It is one of 8 custom profiles I've created or imported, but as you see none of the others appear in the dropdown.




    Here's my preferences dialog showing all 8 custom profiles:




    Why can't I choose any of those from the drowdown???



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    Posted · Print Profiles not supported cura 4.4
    4 hours ago, dmorris68 said:


    Great find! I'm hoping this might be the solution to a similar issue for me as well. I just posted my question a day or two ago and have not yet received a response, but this seems like it might be the same issue. With 3.6, the custom materials and profiles I created for eSun PLA+ (my preferred filament) were not accessible in 4.4.1 in the dropdown list. I manually recreated the materials and derived new profiles from the generic ones, hoping that would fix it, but still I cannot select profiles in the profile dropdown -- I can only activate the ones I created from the profile management dialog.





    you need to add the quality files for the material, see the post above. glad you got part of it working 🙂

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    Posted · Print Profiles not supported cura 4.4
    6 hours ago, nyxaria said:

    you need to add the quality files for the material, see the post above. glad you got part of it working 🙂


    Is that not what I did here?



    I've created the PLA+ base files from the Creality base_0.2_PLA_xxx files, but they still don't show up for me in the dropdown.


    *typo in the original post, I mean base_0.4


    These are the quality files in the resources/quality/creality/base files you referenced at the top of your post. To clarify, I created the following (copied and modified from the base_0.4_PLA_xxx versions in the same folder):


    Did I miss something, like a specific naming convention?


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    Posted · Print Profiles not supported cura 4.4

    See some more info about our profile stack on https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/wiki/Profiles-&-Settings

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    Posted (edited) · Print Profiles not supported cura 4.4
    21 hours ago, dmorris68 said:




    Did I miss something, like a specific naming convention?


    I presume you did not change the material field inside these files, can you check? the material field should be set to the value 'esun_pla_175' (note the lowercase)

    Edited by nyxaria
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    Posted (edited) · Print Profiles not supported cura 4.4

    This is how my modified file looks, as well as the original PLA:


    nyxaria@/Applications/Ultimaker Cura.app/Contents/Resources/resources/quality/creality/base$ cat base_0.4_PLA_standard.inst.cfg 
    version = 4
    name = Standard Quality
    definition = creality_base
    setting_version = 10
    type = quality
    quality_type = standard
    material = generic_pla
    variant = 0.4mm Nozzle
    nyxaria@/Applications/Ultimaker Cura.app/Contents/Resources/resources/quality/creality/base$ cat base_0.4_PC-ABS_standard.inst.cfg 
    version = 4
    name = Standard Quality
    definition = creality_base
    setting_version = 10
    type = quality
    quality_type = standard
    material = generic_pc-abs
    variant = 0.4mm Nozzle
    wall_thickness = =line_width*4



     You named your file esun_pla_175.xml.fdm_material inside the materials directory, so the material variable inside the base_0.4 files should be set to this name: esun_pla_175


    I hope this makes sense!

    Edited by nyxaria
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    Posted · Print Profiles not supported cura 4.4

    One last thing, sorry for the spam. Inside the material definiton file (inside /material folder), change the variables inside, like I have done:


    nyxaria@/Applications/Ultimaker Cura.app/Contents/Resources/resources$ cat materials/generic_pc-abs.xml.fdm_material
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    Generic PC-ABS profile. The data in this file may not be correct for your specific machine.
    <fdmmaterial xmlns="http://www.ultimaker.com/material" version="1.3">

    Please note that the <material> tag is changed. This is the tag you then use in Cura when you set Material Type when creating a material profile, like here I have done for the material 'PC-ABS':



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    Posted · Print Profiles not supported cura 4.4
    On 12/31/2019 at 3:48 AM, nallath said:

    See some more info about our profile stack on https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/wiki/Profiles-&-Settings


    Thanks! That helps clarify how Cura resolves the settings it uses, but doesn't really clarify for me how Profile selection got so wonky between versions.


    23 hours ago, nyxaria said:

    I presume you did not change the material field inside these files, can you check? the material field should be set to the value 'esun_pla_175' (note the lowercase)


    23 hours ago, nyxaria said:

    You named your file esun_pla_175.xml.fdm_material inside the materials directory, so the material variable inside the base_0.4 files should be set to this name: esun_pla_175


    Thanks, you were correct in that I did not change the material there -- I've fixed that now.


    23 hours ago, nyxaria said:

    One last thing, sorry for the spam. Inside the material definiton file (inside /material folder), change the variables inside, like I have done:


    23 hours ago, nyxaria said:

    Please note that the <material> tag is changed. This is the tag you then use in Cura when you set Material Type when creating a material profile, like here I have done for the material 'PC-ABS':


    This I had already done. Generated a new GUID too.


    After all this, and restarting Cura, I saw no changes in behavior. I could still only access the currently activated profile from the dropdown, but no others. So I came and drafted a post with screenshots and exposition describing what was happening, but got sidetracked before completing and submitting the post. Then forgot about it among my 173 open Chrome tabs and shutdown for the night. Doh! So I lost my post.


    I was coming back now to recreate the post and in doing so, opened Cura to grab the screenshots again, when lo and behold I now have my custom profiles for my custom material showing in the dropdown! Yay!




    No idea what changed. I know I restarted Cura *multiple* times yesterday while trying to make this work, and nothing changed. Now today it works. Weird. I guess chalk that up to some sort of human error on my part that I can't pinpoint, but it just seems like it shouldn't be this hard to get custom materials and profiles working as expected. I'm tech savvy and fine with hacking configuration files once I know which ones need to be hacked (thanks for that) but a lot of end-users won't be. 


    Thanks again for the pointers to get this working!



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    Posted (edited) · Print Profiles not supported cura 4.4

    Well, that success was short lived...


    I had this working yesterday, as you can see from my last screenshot above. Since it started working, I have not touched settings or profiles again. Today I open up Cura, load a STL, and check the dropdown list:




    WTH?  The profiles that were available there yesterday (see previous post) are not there today? What gives? Again, nothing was changed or printed since yesterday. In fact after I got it working, I closed Cura until I opened it up again today.


    Edited by dmorris68
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    Posted (edited) · Print Profiles not supported cura 4.4

    I have the same problem. All my quality profiles worked before are not shown in the list. In the list I see that my printer is not supported the quality settings. I made the whole profile by myself and it worked perfectly untill I update the Cura to 4.4.1 version. The same situation like in previous post.

    Also, I lost one of the Variant settings. I have 3 variant settings - for nozzles 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 mm. And now only  0.4 and 0.6 mm available, but not 0.2.

    Edited by Alexus-12
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    Posted (edited) · Print Profiles not supported cura 4.4

    It looks I found the problem.
    The variants settings work wrong. I have 3 variants of settings and in my definition file I set the printer "has_variants" as true. Also, 3 variants of file configuration in Variants folder. Also, the default variant was set in printer defination.
    But when I add my printer, all my extruders are empty, without nozzles. And I cant change it. In this case the quality settings are not available.
    If I set "has_variants" in false, the quality settings are available, but not all (I dont understend why). I have 4 quality settings, but only 3 are avaliable.
    Why its happend? In bug report for version 4.4.1 shown that this problem was solved. What I made wrong?

    Edited by Alexus-12
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    Posted (edited) · Print Profiles not supported cura 4.4

    So in Cura 4 all my materials (including standard materials) except for 1 custom material

    are gone and one 2 of my print profiles show up.

    They all work perfectly fine in Cura 4.3 .

    How do I get them back the proper way

    on a Windows machine (no shell) without fiddling around in config files?

    I tried uninstalling Cura 4.4.0, deleting the cura 4.4 config and installing 4.4.1.

    But 4.4.1 doesn't even start. The currently selected material is generic PLA.

    A material that was completely missing in Cura 4.4.0 but is currently being used just fine in Cura 4.3



    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "X:\4.4-exe\build\inst\lib\python3.5\site-packages\cura\Machines\Models\IntentCategoryModel.py", line 101, in _update

    File "X:\4.4-exe\build\inst\lib\python3.5\site-packages\cura\Machines\Models\IntentModel.py", line 41, in __init__

    File "X:\4.4-exe\build\inst\lib\python3.5\site-packages\cura\Machines\Models\IntentModel.py", line 67, in _update

    File "X:\4.4-exe\build\inst\lib\python3.5\site-packages\cura\Machines\Models\IntentModel.py", line 109, in _getActiveMaterials

    KeyError: 'generic_pla'



    Edited by MarcusWolschon
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    Posted · Print Profiles not supported cura 4.4

    Same issue here.  I tried to use PLA and then I used a default profile.  As soon as I modified the profile I got the "not supported" message.  Still prints fine, just would like to get rid of the "not supported" message.

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    Posted · Print Profiles not supported cura 4.4

    Cura 4.4.1, the same crash.

    4.4.0 and 4.4.1 don't even start due to something with the generic_pla profile.

    I have to keep using 4.3 because that works.



    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "X:\4.4-exe\build\inst\lib\python3.5\site-packages\cura\Machines\Models\IntentCategoryModel.py", line 101, in _update

    File "X:\4.4-exe\build\inst\lib\python3.5\site-packages\cura\Machines\Models\IntentModel.py", line 41, in __init__

    File "X:\4.4-exe\build\inst\lib\python3.5\site-packages\cura\Machines\Models\IntentModel.py", line 67, in _update

    File "X:\4.4-exe\build\inst\lib\python3.5\site-packages\cura\Machines\Models\IntentModel.py", line 109, in _getActiveMaterials

    KeyError: 'generic_pla'




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    Posted (edited) · Print Profiles not supported cura 4.4
    On 2/22/2020 at 6:04 PM, MarcusWolschon said:

    Cura 4.4.1, the same crash.

    4.4.0 and 4.4.1 don't even start due to something with the generic_pla profile.

    I have to keep using 4.3 because that works.



    Cura 4.5 starts well. No crash so far.

    However after slicing something and switching from 0.6 to 0.8 nozzle size (as this more closely resembles my 1.0mm nozzle) there are NO MATERIALS AT ALL.

    The Marketplace shows the Ultimaker and Eastman materials plugins to be installed.

    I uninstalled the Eastman materials plugin.

    Restarted Cura

    Installed it again.

    Restarted Cura.

    Still no material profiles at all.


    Edited by MarcusWolschon
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    Posted · Print Profiles not supported cura 4.4
    15 hours ago, MarcusWolschon said:


    Cura 4.5 starts well. No crash so far.

    However after slicing something and switching from 0.6 to 0.8 nozzle size (as this more closely resembles my 1.0mm nozzle) there are NO MATERIALS AT ALL.

    The Marketplace shows the Ultimaker and Eastman materials plugins to be installed.

    I uninstalled the Eastman materials plugin.

    Restarted Cura

    Installed it again.

    Restarted Cura.

    Still no material profiles at all.


    You're going to need to provide us with a bit more information. Fortunately, that's really easy. Could you share a project file of the current state?

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    Posted · Print Profiles not supported cura 4.4

    A project file? Of a sliced project containing (a) 3d model(s) ?

    Are you sure you don't mean one of the Cura profile folders?

    From Windows 10 AppData/local, AppData/localLow or AppData/roaming.



    Where to send

    What files using

    What identifier/ticket id?

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