Okay cool, good to know.
I'll probably give it a shot and see, after some googling it seems that it COULD work, but it might not work as you are describing.
Perhaps it could work for making water tight gaskets for enclosures, maybe not for pressurized applications.
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geert_2 560
I think they are going to be too stiff. And blobs, irregularities and print lines are not going to help making it water-tight. Unless you would squeeze it extremely hard between thick steel flanges. If you don't want to store gaskets, or originals can not be found anymore, I think you would be better off cutting new gaskets from a sheet, with a knife or a Dremel tool? Or use self-curing silicone or similar paste?
For comparison: transparent PVC tubing for aquariums is much softer than TPU. But when I tried to use that recently to make a seal for my water-cooled disk grinder, I had a lot of problems getting it water-tight. Even the slightest amount of corrosion and oxidation on the surface of the metal, caused leaks. So, even soft PVC is not flexible enough to follow these tiny irregularities and close the gaps.
But if you would try it anyway, let us know the result. It would be interesting to know.
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