I have changed the build plate x-axis size to 260mm and set the centre as the origin.
Will see if this works 🤞
Damn. That should have worked. Maybe restart cura?
Or is it possible that your part is taller than the gantry height of 25mm?
I guess there might be some json file that defines these things (print head settings) and the settings in "machine settings" are ignored? Maybe @burtoogle knows?
Yes restarted Cura.
Height only 5mm.
No, didn't work. Centre origin failed miserably.
Changed the origin back to the front corner and it worked, more luck than good management.
as other people have stated on this forum, there are 2 grey boundaries around prints in cura.
The outer one, which Cura seems to use is not changeable, A darker (because its grey on grey) is the setting of the X Min and X Max dims in the printer settings - which changes but is ignored???
I did find something else though, The Cura build plate for the Ender 3 is 220mm x 220mm in the default settings rather than 235mm x 235mm.
Thanks for your help anyway.
As requested, here I am. Unfortunately, I know almost nothing about the Cura UI and I certainly don't know anything about how those unprintable zones are defined. Sorry. Your best bet is to open an issue at https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues and then the UM developers can respond. Good luck!
OK, thanks.
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gr5 2,234
Because it doesn't want you to print two things side by side if they are long like that. It's worried that if it prints the part with the right nozzle then the left side of the print head better not hit any part to the left that was already printed. Same thing on right side. But it's basically a bug because that only applies to other parts - not to the edge of the printing surface.
You can easily work around this a few ways - I'd go into PREPARE/manage printers/machine settings and change xmin and xmax to zero (but first write them down so you can restore them to the correct values later).
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