Thank for the reply and the help, It seems the temperature might be the culprit. Printer has a diy enclosure that might be getting in the way of the printer cooling.
I'm running a set of long prints without enclosure to see if it repeats.
Filament had no grinding but it might have been a safety stop from the heat.
Thanks again for the reply that gives me somewhere to start.
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Curven 28
This looks like your motor is skipping steps. Often this is related to stepper driver getting too hot. If you can try to cool them more. With a passive heatsink if there isn't allready one mounted or alternatively wit a higher airflow. You can also check the voltage rating of your stepper driver. The goal is to have high enough to give the tork your motor needs (with some margin) but as low as possible to prevent stepper motor from overheating. (there are plenty of tutorial for this on youtube)
The problem could also occur if something (printed part or foreign object) blocks the movements of your printer.
For the print not beeing finished, is ther any kind of grinding on the filament?
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